Search results

  1. djessem

    60 Gallon Acrylic Tank, Hood, Stand, Light For Sale

    how much toseel the light only andare they PC lights ( if so, square pin or straight pin)...also might you have a pic of the light
  2. djessem

    WTB: 6500K 250W Iwasaki Metal Halide

    I have 3 - 250 watt MH bulbs that are rated somewhere near 7100K ( so says the guy that runs the local reef retail store). They are single ended for use in a mogul socket. I will sell them all three for 120.00 still in the box never used. ( Too much heat for my system without a chiller...55...
  3. djessem

    attention reef shoppers

    mapquest says about 8 hours would be halfway point.......looks like about 45 minutes east of chicago on 64 east would be just curious if thats an option
  4. djessem

    attention reef shoppers

    Im in west virginia about to see how far on mapquest you are from me; however, might you take 500 and come the half way point......ill send another thread with the mileage in a moment
  5. djessem

    216 gal for sale/trade

    What amount of cash are you talking about if i traded my 125 long. Its about 6+ feet long and 20 inches wide by 24 deep or so with a stand. can you send a pic in reply
  6. djessem

    Need some coralline algae scrapings to help seed my base rock... can you help?

    you can make your own coraline algae ( enough to take over the world) by adding kent marine cb pta abd pt b for about 3 weeks . It will multiply like fire!
  7. djessem

    Looking for 60 - 90 g quarter tank?

    Do you have pics or descriptions. Im checking for a friend and he may be willing to drive 9 hrs
  8. djessem

    Wet/Dry Ques

    I have a home-made wet dry made with a rubbermaid container ( 38 gal) that I have placed a bulkhead in and cut out the lid to fit over an old commercial food container full of bio balls. I am running the box of balls about2 inches from the eater line but i do keep my sump standing with about 6...
  9. djessem

    PW algae attack paks harmful to coral?

    Sorry about the mention of the competition....didnt mean it that way
  10. djessem

    70 gallon tank for sale

    do you have pics. What area the dimensions if no pics.
  11. djessem

    Selling 75g Tank and Equipment(OHIO)

    When you say canopy do you mean pine wooden to match the stand and if so......would you take 300 for the setup and picked up this weekend
  12. djessem

    PW algae attack paks harmful to coral?

    Can anyone tell me if the algae attack paks sold by ******** are harmful to corals at all. There are turbo snails,scarlet reef crabs, and red and blue leg crabs. I think that is all there is in the package. It is the basic version of "critters" for 75 gallon tanks Please refrain from reference...
  13. djessem

    How do I stop this....

    10 or 12 turbo snails will make light work of that!..theyre cheap and have huge appetites
  14. djessem

    DIY Skimmer design

    Thats an easy one to maintain the water in the bottle when pump is off. One the plumbing going in and out of the bottle,install a one way valve in each line. They have a gate that will only flap one way. Im not sure if they make pvc type but there are brass and steel ones. Im sure there are pvc...
  15. djessem

    Looking for 60 - 90 g quarter tank?

    Does anyone have a decent sized quarter tank for sale. East coast area within 4 - 5 hourse drive of Charleston WV.?
  16. djessem

    Pumping xenias?

    Can anyone tell me if pumping xenia are: A. hard to maintian B. Reproduce and spread within the tank easily. C what additives I can expect to use for optimum health
  17. djessem

    beginning coral tank???

    Thank you and Ill keep you posted on the progresws after the lighting is functional........again thanx
  18. djessem


    There are several store chains ( some walmarts, etc) that sell 5 gallon containers of distilled water that is ok to use rather than a brita filtered water. It is usually inexpensive but a good RO/Di setup should be considered for the long term if you plan to stay in the aquarium biz!
  19. djessem

    beginning coral tank???

    Thank you very much!!!.....have a great evening and again...thanks for the info. I had assumed the lighting was my primary problem and am trying to get the new light system up n running. Hopefully that will solve my problem. Much thanks!
  20. djessem

    beginning coral tank???

    In my acclimation process with the new MH lights, starting at 4 hours per day, what is the eventual goal for lighting using a timer? What is the amount of time the MH's should be timed to be on when im finished with the acclimation process and what should the increments be towards bringing the...