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  1. dragracer


    Has anyone ever used the Mardel in tank Ammonia monitor? I have one for a couple weeks now and it is showing zero ammonia, but just for kicks I used my Aquarium Parmaceuticals saltwater master kit and it was showing between 00 and .025 on the scale........Everything in the tank is thriving and...
  2. dragracer

    just a couple pics

    thanks! Its funny, my wife and I were just talking today.....we bought them well over a year Tomatoe clowns......the little one has been progressivly getting much darker.....and I just said to her today as I was looking on here.........I wonder if we have cinimmon clowns and...
  3. dragracer

    just a couple pics

    or maybe just one..I call this the corner of life. an 80 gallon tanks and everything in the tank hangs right here!!
  4. dragracer

    hows this

    thanks, now if I could just get my Tomatoe;s to host the darn thing!
  5. dragracer

    hows this

    I think my firefish likes my LTA. He doesn't get too close to it, but he always is near.
  6. dragracer

    clowns in tanks

    So I have a 75g tank with not too much in it at all. 2 Tomatoe Clowns and LTA, a pencil urchin and lots of hermits. My question a tank that size, would putting 2 O Clowns in there be a big mistake with the Tomatoes?
  7. dragracer


    ok, this is just a question i've often wondered about but never had to "worry" about......I've been lucky with my fish eating over the years so I've never needed this, but when you guys refer to soaking food in there a special fish food garlic or are you talking about garlic...
  8. dragracer

    kinda stumped but not worried

    So, three weeks ago, I moved everything over from my 29 gallon to my 75......used all the sand, all the LR, all the water, and some water from another established tank. I made a major lighting upgrade, from an aqualight pro with two 55w, 50/50's and a 150 watt MH, that plus two...
  9. dragracer

    closed loop question

    ok, well I guess I can try that and maybe throw some silicone aquarium sealer around it that way if I ever need it to come off I can get it off.
  10. dragracer

    closed loop question I built it off of the picture here except on the second 90 of the intake I put a T so I could cap it off to prime it......unnecessary??
  11. dragracer

    closed loop question

    hm, really? The pump would have enough suction to start on its own.......I don't have a pic of mine, but I built it off of one I saw on here......give me a minute.
  12. dragracer

    closed loop question

    ok so I went ahead and built a closed loop system to eliminate powerheads. I got it up and running by priming it. I put a T in the intake to prime it so I would be able to cap it off when its running. I can't glue the cap on in case I have to re prime it for some reason. The problem I am...
  13. dragracer


    thank you very much, we are looking forward to it......won't know what it is until we're holding it either!
  14. dragracer


    Thanks!! corals may come in the future..right now I am about 2 weeks away from my wife having our first baby, so I most likely won't be adding anything to the tank until things calm down a bit........I may try some corals now that I have the lighting.....we'll see, time will tell.
  15. dragracer


    here are two more, I think I got the hang of it now. This could be bad........
  16. dragracer


  17. dragracer


    ha! you must be implying I am smart enough to figure out how to do that?!
  18. dragracer


    ok, I have been in the hobby for several years now, and have always done FOWLR. Actually thats still where I am at, but over the years I never saw any reason to go out and spend mega bucks on all this "fancy" lighing. Previous to this I had a 29 gallon FOWLR with an aqua light pro two 55w...
  19. dragracer

    movinh at LTA

    oh sorry.........rock
  20. dragracer

    movinh at LTA

    how does one go about moving one of these guys. I am putting a pre filter on my closed loop intake and he's kinda in the way.