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  1. dragracer

    brittle star babies??

    that'd be them
  2. dragracer

    brittle star babies??

    ok, as I was getting ready to move my 29 gallon to my 75 gallon, I notices a few tiny little brittle star looking critters on my LR. They are all white and no bigger than my thumb nail. Heres the kicker, I've had all the LR for about 6 years, and haven't had a brittle star in the tank for...
  3. dragracer

    Cost of replacing bulbs

    well, I go to Lowes. I got two 175w 10k bulbs(mogul based [hr] ins) for 19 bucks a piece. and contrary to what I have heard in the past......they work and look fine. I freind told me he has been using them for years.......sylvania bulbs.........they have 250's there too for 29 bucks. Just...
  4. dragracer

    rough day for Melvin!

    My yellow watchman Goby, Melvin, whom I have had for two years, today decided he was going to cruise around the TOP of the tank and ended up going for quite the rollercoaster ride. I was checking my water level in my sump and low and behold, after not being able to find Melvin the the tank, I...
  5. dragracer

    lighting q.

    thanks man, thats kinda what I thought, but I wanted to check.
  6. dragracer

    lighting q.

  7. dragracer

    Hermit magic? molted.
  8. dragracer

    lighting q.

    Ok so I just transfered everything from my 29 gallon to my 75 (FIANLLY I MIGHT ADD) and over the 29 I had a coralife lighting fixture with a 150w 15K MH and two 55w 50/50's. Well a freind of mine left the hobby and dropped off a setup for two 175w MH/with ballast. I am thinking of mounting...
  9. dragracer

    carbon......when and how

    more so how. I plan to run it one week a month or so just to shine up my water a little. How do I go about it. i have a sump, so should I just thrown it in a filter sock and put it in one of the chambers or is there another special trick I should know about? Thanks
  10. dragracer

    switching tanks

    I had a very similar question myself and read up on this, I went from a 30 to a 75 and took all the steps stated and it went off without a hitch and a huge sucess. Thanks for the help you gave to someone else. I was afraid to try this and was going to let the big tank cycle but with a baby...
  11. dragracer

    MH question

    so.......not too sound cheap or like I am cutting corners here, but what is to stop me from going to Lowes and buying a 10k 175w MH bulb for 22 bucks as apposed to the same thing from a fish store or site for 59.99? This is my first time delving into the MH world.
  12. dragracer

    cycle question

    Ok, I've been doing salt for about 7 years now and I stumped myself on this one. I have a 29 gallon tank with three fish and about 45-50 lbs of LR. The tank has been running for 4 years now. I am moving everything over to a 75 gallon tank when it cycles. What is my best move for putting the...
  13. dragracer

    MH question

    I am in the process of setting up my "big" tank now that we bought a house and I have room for it. A freind got out of the hobby and gave me a ton of equiptment..including a MH set up........I am not sure what the bulbs are......I know they are mogul based [hr] ins and the ballast is for...
  14. dragracer

    water temp

    just curious, what does everyone keep their tanks at...........want to see what kind of range there is?
  15. dragracer

    priming a closed loop

    I must be slow or something!! I built this one to the picture of one posted on here excpet O put a T on the second 90. I tried pouring water down into the pump to prime is and helf in inlet shut and as soon as the water hit the pump I opened the inlet. No such luck...........can anyone help...
  16. dragracer

    ? about closed loop system

    Ok, so I used your picture and built one myself. The tank is filling now so I decided I better try this thing out. I primed it, and water began to leak out of the screws on the pumps. I took it back and got a new one.....same deal......why is this happening......does the pump have to be...
  17. dragracer

    Whats the most important "thing" you've learned

    the most important thing I've learned was's message board existed!
  18. dragracer

    Will my Picasso eat my Hermit Crab?

    Mine ate everything that crawled. Never messed with another fish, but ate all my hermits and snails. I would get feeder shrimp for him anf feed them two at a time and neither one would ever get to the bottom of the tank before he got them. Cool fish, great personality, but impossible to keep a...
  19. dragracer


    Thats why I came to you guys first. One we get out of our apartment I am going to set my 75 back up with a load more LR......then I will thing about it. Thanks ya'll
  20. dragracer


    lol, I read your post and couldn't figure out what you were talking about.....then I re read my post.....not sure how I hit the 7 when I was aiming for 4........I have b/t 45 and 55 lbs. It does fill the tank quite nicely though!!