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  1. dragracer


    my pencil urchin is fighting my algae problem as we speak. He is mowing it up like there is no tomorrow.
  2. dragracer

    Local PA'ers

    Ok, so I am looking for some reefers in my area. I am in Pennsburg PA and am looking for anyone close by, with an established tank. I would like a cup of Live sand if you have any. I have LR that two years ago was killed off when my tank crashed the week after I had hernia surgery and...
  3. dragracer

    pencil urchin cloud.

    Could be. I mean he hasn't slowed down or anything and he's as normal as ever. I just didn't want him to poison my tank.
  4. dragracer

    pencil urchin cloud.

    So I have had my PU for about two months. He is a cruiser and loved algae. WEll today he was moving along the ridge of some rock, and he fell.......and when he landed he omitted some kind of whiteish cloud. Is this just some "dust" for the sand he has ground up or is there something wrong with...
  5. dragracer

    Snail question.

  6. dragracer

    Snail question.

    Ok, so I have about 9 snails cruising around my tank at the moment. The other day, I had one laying in the sand not moving...for about two days. I picked it up and gave it the official "smell" test. Didn't smell rancid so I placed it on a rock and watched him for another two days. His little...
  7. dragracer

    Pencil Utchin reef safe?

    Ok, so I was at my LFS, and I was really happy with them. They seem to know what they are doing and they have never steered me wrong. I went in today to look for an Urchin. I have never tried one before and thought, my tank is over a year and half old and has only ever had fish in it. I have...
  8. dragracer

    Green Algae

    makes sense. Thanks, gives me a good place to start.
  9. dragracer

    Green Algae

    Tanks a little over a year. Using RO water and the lights are on.......MH for about 5 hours, and I run the moonglows all the time. All my readings are right on target..........and as far as waste.........I only have a few snails ans hermits with a brittle star.......i throw some pellet food in...
  10. dragracer

    Green Algae

  11. dragracer

    give it to me straight

    yeah now i made it too small!!
  12. dragracer

    give it to me straight

    ok......this it?
  13. dragracer

    Green Algae

    So after years of doing saltwater without doing my homework, admitadly stupid, I know. However I've had decent luck. That aside, I finally went out of got some good lighting (150W HQI - 2 X 65W - 36 in. ). Since then I have had the typical diatoms.....I am guessing due to the new lights, but...
  14. dragracer

    give it to me straight

    HA! Yeah I guess that would help. Ok disreagard this thread until I figure out what the heck I am doing!! Sorry
  15. dragracer

    give it to me straight

    Anyone have idea opinions of my tank. I am up for some constructive critisism today.
  16. dragracer

    tiny little anemone?

    Yeah i know, I am working on that.
  17. dragracer

    tiny little anemone?

    Ok well I really thing is apt. It came on one of the large snail I got with a reef pack. Is there a good chance thats what it is?
  18. dragracer

    Anyone else play an instrument?

    Drums drums and more drums. Looking for a band though!
  19. dragracer


    Sounds good. So its not cycling?
  20. dragracer


    Ok so I had a 30 gallon tank set up for a little over a year and did not have the proper lighting, until recently.....I got married and we used some of our cash pile to buy a nice MH/power compact setup..........Aqualight Pro to be exact. Anyway, a freind of mine was in the process of getting...