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  1. dragracer

    started over!!

    Here they are.........more to come.
  2. dragracer

    started over!!

    Well its finally up and running......again. After it crashed I took the tank down and all apart, and cleaned everything. EVERYTHING........filter, power heads, pump, skimmer, heater.......everything you can clean, i cleaned. I even treated the LR like I would have treated it that day I got...
  3. dragracer

    Humu Humu from HELL

    Thats a shame. I had mine 3 years before tragedy struck. He never messed with any other fish........snails. hermits and shrimp were another story, but he used to share a home with one of my clowns, He was a happy fish. He wedged himself behind my overflow box one afternoon during a water...
  4. dragracer

    Superbowl CRAP GAME

    No one seems to be pointing out the blatent both hands to the back block on Rothlisberger on the long int return..........right in front of the ref........clear call. STEELERS WON!!!!! Thats all that matters!
  5. dragracer

    new to salt water!!!!

    um, the last post said water is about a lbs a gallon, I think thats a typo cause his math is right but its about 8lbs. Not trying to be a jerk..............just in case they were gonna do the math themselves.
  6. dragracer

    black out.....close one

    any generators are expensive..........I have one for at the racetrack that I keep handy during the week if we need it. BTW........."here in NY with all the snow" Are you near Tug Hill.......they just got hammered?
  7. dragracer

    aragonite vs. LS ???

    I seeded Southdown with a couple cups of real LS from an established tank. Downside to Southdown though is you have a cloudy mess for a couple of days post setup. even with nothing running.
  8. dragracer

    Go Steelers!!!!

    Yeah lucky, right.........a win is a win is a win. They out played the colts all day and they out played the broncos, must be right!
  9. dragracer

    Go Steelers!!!!

    go Steelers Go Steelers Go Steelers
  10. dragracer

    Coralife retro 65W

    I am having one heck of a time finding a ballast for this bugger......any ideas where I could find one?
  11. dragracer

    cleaning used items

    that was quick!! thanks!
  12. dragracer

    cleaning used items

    I came across some used equiptment from a freind of mine who basically just left his tank die and he gave me some power heads and even i wet/dry..........its all been in a dead tank for about a month.......what is the best way to clean it all?
  13. dragracer


    Yeah you know I was thinking about doing that. I am just so disgruntled right now I had to ask.
  14. dragracer


    So i went in for surgery on friday and was in bed for two days..........seems I had the dreaded heater malfunction and baked most of my livestock. Which was only snails, emeralds, blue and red hermits and a coral banded shrimp. At least there was no fish right?! That was sarcasm. Any loss...
  15. dragracer

    New 55 with pics

    Um. Let me try to help you out before you get destroyed on this site. First rule..............come here before you do anything you're LFS tells you to do We care....LFS cares........about the money. Two Triggers of any kind will fight..........Two Triggers and a Tang...........will exceed...
  16. dragracer

    Clownfish problem

    10 Clowns in three months........maybe take some time away from clowns until you have a definate idea of what wrong.
  17. dragracer

    Online Fish Ordering?

    yes i just recently recieved two dead crabs and a coral banded shrimp from this site.
  18. dragracer

    Is this what I think it is???

    Yeah thats def what it looks like. I would sure let the place you ordered it from know, so they are aware they have a very irresponsible employee in there midst.
  19. dragracer

    Chromis Question

    I don't see them chasing each other.....however like all kids, who knows what they do when I am not home. I think since they started off together, they just stick with their routine........i think that makes sense..........I had hernia surgery today and this codine is killer.........the letters...
  20. dragracer

    Chromis Question

    I had four.....two did not make it and the two that are still alive are healthy and seem happy......they don't go anywhere without one another.