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  1. polka

    Possibly getting into Reef

    Thank you very much!!!!
  2. polka

    Possibly getting into Reef

    Hi! I might have the best luck, my brother-in-law is looking to getting rid of his 80 gal. bow front reef tank. At this point all that is in it is l/r and one big clown, a few hermits as well. Anyway he lives 90 miles away, any suggestions on how to transport and set up. Not sure of his...
  3. polka


    Thanks Tinman! I would still like to know how do you know the diff between cured l/r and un-cured? Also, Mr. Salty says my recent purchase of l/r was not cured, how long will it take to cure in my tank, or won't it? Should I put l/r over whats left of the c/c?
  4. polka


    Anyone with any other information!?????
  5. polka


    just thought of another ?? How long before the readings come back to normal? thanks!
  6. polka


    DAMN..................Okay now that I have that out of my system, some more questions. How would I have known if the rock was cured? Is it okay to leave the rock in the tank? Another question, I am going to get l/s from this site, when I receive it how do I add to the tank? Just pour in...
  7. polka

    Anyone here have a filter attachment for there powerheads?

    I did the same thing......those sponge filters are a pain. Just left the cage. :)
  8. polka


    Hi I would appreciate any comments on this asap. Having problems with hi nitrate, was looking into l/s. LFS said loose 1/2 of c/c, vacuum as much junk as possible add some l/r. I Added approx 15# l/r yester day (10/3), and did a 10 gal. water change. At that time I had high nitrates of .40...
  9. polka

    Water filter

    Thank you soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
  10. polka

    Water filter

    Hello all! I have water filter by AQ. does anyone know how I can het a hold of a new adapter that goes on the faucet. Mine is wearing out and I can't seem to locate a new one. Even tried Hardware stores and AQ doesn't seem to sell them. Thanks
  11. polka

    change to l/s

    I am going to be changing from c/c to l/s. My husband had an idea of doing like we did when we were painting and had to move the fishtank. Here is the idea: Drain 3/4 water into clean container at my two small fish and cleaner shrimp along with about 10 blue leg crabs. Take out the c/c and...
  12. polka

    reliable tests

    "Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?" :confused:
  13. polka

    reliable tests

    I have been wondering for a while which is more reliable........Liquid test kit by AQ. Pharm or Quick Dip strips by Jungle?? I get differnt readings on nitrate. I have a big problem with nitrate, can't seem to keep it down no matter what. With the Liquid Test it's always a standard .40 when I...
  14. polka

    New Fish =again

    Thanks Mr. Salty and FlyDan: How do I go about changing to a dsb? Can I put it over the c/c? How do I add l/r? do I then have to ad trace elements and all that type of thing? I guess I need to start reading again. ;) :) Have another quesiton......I was looking into this BB live sand...
  15. polka

    RE: Post - New fish = Again

    Could someone please help me out with some conflicting advise. Read post and the questions still remain. Thank You!!! Kelly Ignore this as my questions were answered!!! Thank you.. [ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: Polka ]
  16. polka


    Sorry Adam............but it has been in the past that people have tried to pass off something stupid as actual fact. If you want to be funny, let people know you are kidding otherwise it can be taken wrong....and please give us all a break it's been a tough week!! ;)
  17. polka

    New Fish =again

    Hello Flydan........please answer the last question. Thank you!
  18. polka


    Adam6883........ I do hope you are kidding!!! If you are, it's not funny and if you are not kidding shame on you!!!! :(
  19. polka

    New Fish =again

    Whoa! Now i'm really confused!!!!!!!! the guy who sold me this pakbak told me that I would only clean the filter bale once a year and I have read on this bb that you should only vacuum the cc one side one time and then the other side the next time (when doing h20 changes) If I add l/r do I...
  20. polka

    New Fish =again

    Sorry didn't mean to be evasive!!! 40 gal f/o, c/c, cpr2 bakpak, up for 2 years. I had some very bad advise at first then approx a year ago I had a very small yellow tang (I know: not good idea) anyway also 1 clarki clown 1 perc clown. Then the perc died, I added a butterfly, then the tang...