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  1. polka

    What am I doing wrong?

    This tang was young. Quite small I would say compared to the others at lfs. I have a 900 maxi-jet power head in one corner pointing upward to move the surface. In the other corner I have a 201 pointing toward the center of the tank. Is there any recommendations on what type of fish I should...
  2. polka

    What am I doing wrong?

    Hello, I need some help once again. I recently purchased a yellow tang. I have a 40gal f/o with 1 clown and 1 hawkfish. I returned a fijgi devil due to it being a bully. Anyway I had the tang for approx. three days and within 4 hours today he died. Why am I having such trouble keeping...
  3. polka


    So let me get this straight, you give your fish peas? How? Just drop them in the tank? I guess I never thought of fish being vegitarian. I read that you could give them lettuce, but I thought that was supposed to replace the live plants if you don't have them in your tank. More info please.
  4. polka

    Wet/Dry filters (N.B. POLKA)

    Thank you Clayton, you have given me a lot of food for thought! I understand the workings now and I do realize this would be a better system, however, am I doing any harm by waiting to save my pennies. Are there any warning signs that my u/g isn't working properly? So far everything seems to...
  5. polka

    Help! Desparate for Info

    Sadly to say my Royal has gone to a better more pieceful place. I am returning f.devil to lfs today and getting a yellow tang. I want to thank everyone for all of there input. As far as the ug goes, I will wait and see what develops. LFS says approx $350. will do for new filter system. A...
  6. polka

    Help! Desparate for Info

    Okay I will be looking into the wet/dry deal. In the mean time my royal now seems as if he has lost his scales all up and down the right side, very lethargic, seems to have a problem breathing. I have moved him out of my tank, into something smaller. Is he doomed? I read in the disease area...
  7. polka

    Help! Desparate for Info

    What is wet/dry filter and how involved would it be to switch over? Do I have to start my tank over? What would I do with the friends I have now? When you say better, what are you referring to?
  8. polka

    Help! Desparate for Info

    Okay all you gurus I'm in trouble. First the basics: 38 gal f/o, u/g filter, seaclone p/s, skilter filter. I have 1 clown, 1 fijgi devil, 1 spotted hawk, 1 royal gramma. Problem: Fijgi devil started picking on royal approx 10 days ago, lfs said move coral around and turn off light to calm...
  9. polka

    becoming a shark

    I agree with slyly also. I am very new to this wonderful hobbie. I really never paid any attention to the "Titles of Glory". You can learn from any level of experience! This place is the best. Where else can to get information and a little chuckle at the same time?! Keep up the good work.
  10. polka

    Cleaner Shrimp

    Thank you so much for all the information. I really learn alot from this site and from everyone's Q & A.
  11. polka

    Cleaner Shrimp

    Originally posted by blender: You can have a cleaner shrimp in your FO tank. Your gramma may be upset at first but then it will figure out that the cleaner offers a good service. I don't know how big your fish are but it sound like you should get only one more fish. I would suggest the yellow...
  12. polka

    Cleaner Shrimp

    I've been reading quite a bit about cleaner shrimp. They sound there any special needs for them....can they be in f/o or only reef systems? I currently have 38 gal f/o with a clown, fiji devil, spotted hawk, royal gramma. Would love to get something interesting. How compatible...
  13. polka


    Sadly my trigger died about two hours after I asked my question. I have a call into my lfs where I purchased him. All of my levels are right on. I'm not sure what happened this is the first fish I've lost. My brother-in-law suggested that it could have been stressed out. I was very careful...
  14. polka


    I purchased a picasso trigger yesterday. So far all it had done is found a hole in the rock and stayed there. Came out to find a new hole and thats it. I saw in the information on triggers that they are usually strong swimmers, swimming all day. How long will this guy hide? I also have a...
  15. polka

    Surface of water

    Hi I have a 38 gal f/o with u/g crush coral sub, two power heads, seaclone p/s, filter part of skilter. I have a clown, fiji devil, spotted hawk. My question is this...why does the surface of the water seem to have a film on it and I have ring of foam all around edges. Protein skimmer seem to...
  16. polka

    Protein Skimmer

    What is the best skimmer? One that uses cyclonic action or just fine bubbles? I am in the market for a new one, not sure which is the best...don't want to have to [hr] the house. My tank is 38 gal. and is 5 mo. old. I now have a figi devil and a clown fish. Looking to add a few more fish...
  17. polka

    new tank

    I want to thank you guys for all your help and advice. My tank finally is fit for fish. I purchased a clown and a figi devil. Eventually I would like to add a crab and other interesting things. Any suggestions. My tank is 38 gal. Should I ad any live rock, I keep hearing alot about it but...