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  1. polka

    bakpak 2

    It's official I lost one of my new marron clowns. Been doing alot of thinking and Someone needs to tell me if I am going nuts or if I'm right. Here it goes: 40 f* o----two power heads [hr] new bakpak2- crushed coral sub [hr] no l* r [hr] water readings: ph 8.0, ammonia 0, nitrite 0...
  2. polka

    bakpak 2

    Now it seems as if I will loose one of my new maroon clowns. Someone please help!!!!
  3. polka

    bakpak 2

    Recently replaced worn out skilter with bakpak. Since then water doesn't seem as crystal clear. Posted this question earlier and someone (sorry can't remember who) said I should add carbon. Any clue as to how to do this? I am tempted to try to sell this thing and go back to a skilter. I...
  4. polka

    Leaking 125. (horror story)

    Mr. Salty..... Am so glad to hear things are working out!! I had an interesting experience once with a p* s coming apart in the middle of the night and pumping water all over....thank god the power strip (that was getting wet) tripped the fuse and shut everything down. What a mess!!!!! I...
  5. polka

    So being everything got wiped out.........I will ask again

    Thank you PL.......I will take your adivse and hold up on what I have. I guess I'll have to buy a bigger tank and build the house around it. hahah
  6. polka

    So being everything got wiped out.........I will ask again

    So you are saying that I can only have about five fish in my tank???? Why do I read that other people put more in? I guess I thought as long as the fish were small and won't get too big ie: clown and chromis, I could put in a few more, eventually. I marvel at the lfs tank I believe it is 100...
  7. polka

    So being everything got wiped out.........I will ask again

    How long does it take for fish to grow up? I have two very small maroon clowns. Also can I add 3 green chromis? I have a 40 gal f* o. I also have a small yellow tang. I know you are going to tell me I can't have him. I didn't know that until after I purchased him and lfs didn't say...
  8. polka

    Fish growth

    Any idea on how I could incorporate carbon to my system? all I have is the bakpak. It has blue plastic stuff in the filter chamber. Can I replace that with something else? Is this affecting the performance of my tank, ie: are the fish suffering. I have had a lot of trouble keeping fish...
  9. polka


    I have seen some tanks and they have bubble wands and such. Do you need bubbles in a f* o? I have the water rippling at top and a pwer head circulating from the other side. It looks nice (the bubbles) but doens't it create a mess?
  10. polka

    Fish growth

    Just curious on a few things. How long does it take for fish to mature. Specifically maroon clowns. I have just purchased two small ones, wonder how long they stay small? Also, my water has a slight haze to it when you look through the side of the tank. Looking through the front, it seems...
  11. polka

    New Pics on my site

    WOW! You are my hero! What a set up. How long have you had your tank? I wish I had space. My little 40 gal is the limit.
  12. polka

    Mr. Salty and Others

    Just had another question: My water has had a slight haze to it for quite a while. you don't notice it unless to look through the tank from the side. Should the water be crystal clear? From the front it looks fine, all levels are ok, salinity is .021. Just curious.
  13. polka

    Mr. Salty and Others

    Hello, two things: First, how can I access your pictures? Second, does anyone have an idea on how fast fish grow. In particular, I just purchased two small maroon clowns. Thank You!!
  14. polka


    When I am doing water changes, is it essential that I get all the gunk out of the substrate or the best that I can before I take out too much water.. Is there a better way to vacuum the crush coral substrate? I read on another posting about a Python System.....any comments! Thank you for all...
  15. polka


    Just curious......How much crushed coral substrate is enough. 40 gal f* o bakpak2 2 powerheads for circulation. I currently have 30 pounds. If I add lr do I have to take out some cr coral? And one more question: I can't get a straight answer on salinity. what should it be at I read .024...
  16. polka


    Thank you Jimi, How can I increase my sp. Do I add salt water (already mixed) when water level gets low or should I remove some water and replace with salt water? Also would LR help reduce nitrate? I just can't seem to get it lower. Also, how often can I do water changes to try to lower it?
  17. polka


    In answer to all the questions: No, I don't have the powerheads connected to u* g. Also, I do not have any live rock. The lfs said that the bakpak would be plenty of filtration even if I wanted to go reef. I have been reading that you shouldn't put a tang in anything smaller than a 50 gal. I...
  18. polka


    Okay first the basics: 40 gal f* o, bakpak2, 2 power heads, crushed coral sub. Ph 8, amonia and nitirie at 0 nitrate between .20 and.40 salinity .019. temp 76 Problem: I lost my hawkfish two weeks ago, I added a yellow tang. Yesterday I lost my clown. (both clown and hawk were original when...
  19. polka

    Mail order fish

    Thank you all so very much for your input. I think I will stick with lfs for now. After all I can always make my own ice cube fish. ahahahah
  20. polka

    Mail order fish

    I would love any feedback on the pros and cons of ordering fish on-line. Thank you!