Search results

  1. polka

    New Fish =again

    My questions are these: 1: I need suggestions for variety and hardy fish for 40 gal f/o up for 2 years, over time my fish have dwindled and I recently lost the last one. 2: Can you ad more than one fish at a time? I would like to get pairs of fish, such as clowns and others types. 3: I...
  2. polka

    Now what?

    Ok Jimi, now as far as my readings.....I have posted before that I can't seem to get it lower than .20-.40. If I leave it fish free and do a h20 change would that lower the nitrates? Also, I still have no clue what to put in my tank. I don't want to lose anymore fish. I know I can put clowns...
  3. polka

    New fishies

    I have part of this question posted in D&T. I recently lost everyone. Now I find myself starting over, any suggestions? Here is the set up: 40 gal f/o, cc, two powerheads for circulation, cpr2 bak pak, decorations, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 turbo, 5-6 blue legged crabs. Thanks!!!! PS: tank has...
  4. polka

    Now what?

    Hi Beth!, I realize the tang was not suppose to be in the tank, however, when I got him he was very small and was only about 2" big when he died. As for the butterfly, well am I a goof the store clerk said that it would be fine, guess I should have done more research, just goes to show that you...
  5. polka

    Now what?

    Sorry!.......happy fingers out of control. Yes Nitrate is .20-.40 and Nitrite is 0. As far as filtering......? I have a cpr2 bakpak on the back of the tank. It has the pre-skimmer on as well. Is that what you were asking, Beth? Thanks!!!
  6. polka

    Now what?

    Hi Jimi, Here it is: 40 gal f/o up for about 2 years c/c sub, two power heads for aggitation (one at surface, one toward middle), cpr2 bakpak. I have 1 cleaner shrimp, one turbo snail, 5-6 blue legged crabs (small). my readings are: ph - 8.0; salinity .023; ammonia 0; nitrates 0; nitrites...
  7. polka

    Now what?

    Hello, I wrote quite a while ago about my yellow tang having pop eye. Well unfortunatley, he passed the next day. Then my new butterfly passed after only a week and now (one month after all of that) my clarki, which I have had for almost a year took a turn for the worse three days ago and now...
  8. polka

    whats your opinion?

    Well unfortunatley I have to ask this question...............My yellow tang recently went on to bigger and better tanks in the sky :( All I have in my 40 gal f/o is a clarki clown, 1 cleaner shrimp and a few blue leg crabs. Any suggestions on what I should put in next? Would love something...
  9. polka

    yellow tang eyes?

    It's a sad yellow tang didn't make it :( The clarki seems to be fine and all readings are right on. Why would the tang all of the sudden get sick and die within 36 hours? I seem to have this problem. Everything going right along and then boom someone dies. they also...
  10. polka

    yellow tang eyes?

    Thanks, Beth! Still curious on water conditions. My tank holds pretty well at .023 - .024. and temp is at 76. does the HT need the same readings? what will happen to other water cond. in the HT such as amm, nitites and nitrates? Also, can I keep the HT downstairs in my basement, it gets...
  11. polka

    yellow tang eyes?

    okay I understand about the hospital tank, but as I said earlier this is very new to me. What do I need for a HT? How big and so on? I did a search on HT but didn't find anything on supplies. Thank you for your time and patience :rolleyes:
  12. polka

    yellow tang eyes?

    I've done a search on popeye and cloudy eyes and I'm not sure if that is what I am dealing with, with my tang. I have had him almost 1 year. Here are the symptoms that started today: Seems thin,but eating and left eye looks like it has a bubble over it that is somewhat cloudy. How do I treat...
  13. polka

    blue legged crabs?

    I have several blue leggs and it seems that everything goes ok for about a month then they decide to go after my turbo snails. I buy a few more snails and everything is sailing along and bingo they go after them again. Any one with a suggestion, I too like the snails, because they keep the...
  14. polka

    New fish to ad

    Thanks for all your info. I knew that I would be told about the yellow tang, I guess that's why I haven't added anything yet. I realize that he is going to have to go soon. My brother-in-law has a 90 (?) bow front reef that he is tiring of.....I might be talking him into letting me have it...
  15. polka

    New fish to ad

    Hello, I am thinking of adding just one more friend to my 40 gal f/o. I currently have 1 yellow tang (about 3 in.), 1 marron clown (small), 1 clarki clown (small), cleaner shrimp, some crabs and 3 turbos. I use a cpr2 bakpak and c/c substrate. All readings have been perfect and tank is almost...
  16. polka

    Good fish books

    I recently purchased "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert M. Fenner. I found this book to be wonderful.....I haven't quite read all of it, but what I have read has been very helpful. It is 432 pages with very detailed descriptions of fish, marine inverts, corals and so on. A little...
  17. polka

    Fish to stay away from!

    Dear Caymanlover......I envy you that you have that much trust in your lfs. I thought I had a reliable lfs as well. Told them what type of tank and then right from the get go was selling me the wrong kind of fish. I would go in and tell them that the fish died. Then they would sell me a...
  18. polka

    eager newbie

    Welcome!!! I agree with everyone else and I have learned a ton of things from this board and from a great book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". The best advice is go very slow and Read, Read, Read!!! Good luck and have fun!! :) ;)
  19. polka

    Getting impatient

    I know the last thing you want to hear is be patient, but my 40 f/o took about three months to get straighted around. Then it seemed as if overnight everything was in check! Don't get frustrated, it will all come together!! ;)
  20. polka

    New Guy

    Welcome!!!!...Adivse is three things.... First: Read Second: Read Third: Read Also, expect some downfalls and don't get discouraged, it all works out in the end. Enjoy. This is a wonderful, beautiful hobby and this is by far the best BB you will ever find.....the people here are the best!!! ;)