Search results

  1. polka

    cleaner shrimp and coral banded, compatible?

    I have one of each in my 72 bow front. They live right next door to each other on the same l/r. ;)
  2. polka

    Photos of my tank.... take a look!

    Awesome pics.................would really love to see a pic of the whole tank. Any chance?
  3. polka

    Damsel is picking on clown fish

    Hi entice....... I had a yellow damsel along with a perc. clown and a maroon clown. They were all very happy for about 7 weeks then all the sudden the yellow damsel started in on the marron clown and on my pulsing xenia. I had an aweful time trying to catch the the little bugger. I finally...
  4. polka

    rio 600

    I personally have the cprbakpak2. I have had to replace the rio only once and that was after 2 years. I would be interested in switching to a differnt pump only to find one that is a little quieter. As far as performance, I have been lucky. When the first one died it was a slow decline so I...
  5. polka

    Clown keeps hitting Xenia ... this bad?

    I had a yellow damsel that ate my pulsing xenia. I have since gotten rid of the damsel and my xenia, which I thought was a gonner, is beautiful! I can't believe it came back and is growing like crazy. Try to interst that clown in something else, maybe move the xenia. Is it in his "space"...
  6. polka

    how to feed feather duster

    Hey Bang guy.......what do you mean suspended in the water column?
  7. polka

    canopy for bow front

    I would be very interested in the answer to this question as well. I have a 72 gal bow front and the light canopy covers 90%of the top of the tank. What a pain to move it every time I need to get into the tank! I'm able to move the glass away about an inch when I'm feeding, but to do anything...
  8. polka

    Magnum 350

    I was told that you should use the carbon filter and sleeve alternatly with the polisher filter. What I personally have done is use the carbon for about 1 week then two weeks with the polisher then I do a h20 change and start all over again. Anyone have a comment on this?
  9. polka

    Help on B-ionic

    Hey Anthony....... I use this and as soon as it hits the water it's a little milky and then vanishes. Make sure you shake the bottle well. I usually wait about 30 seconds. Long enough to rinse out the cup and close the bottle. Also, dose it into a power head or wherever the most circulation...
  10. polka


    Thanks !!!!!!;)
  11. polka


    thankx!! how long did you have to leave the air off?
  12. polka


    Hello, Had to treat my 72 gal bow front with Reef Life for red hair alge. I treated Sunday night and monday morning. Since then my cpr2bakpak is acting up. I have millions of bubbles coming from the outport and the collection cup fills up with clear water 2 x day. What can I do for this and...
  13. polka

    Flame Scallop Questions!

    I had read that they dont doe well in captivity and if they do perish (sp?) they can poision the tank and wipe out everything. Anyone else read this?? I was going to put one in as well, but after reading that I changed my mind.
  14. polka

    pulsing xenia dying???

    they have to be very hardy. I had put a beautiful piece in my 72 bow front only to have a lemon damsel eat it. I thought for sure it was a gonner. There was nothing left of any of the tenticles. I have since gotten rid of the damsel and the xenia came back beautifu and bigger than...
  15. polka

    Opinions needed

    Hello all, haven't been on for a while. Recently received my brother-in-law's reef tank. He had it set up for about 3 1/2 years. Here is what I have, and then I'll ask my questions: 72 gal bow front, 2 6700k daylight & 2 7100k blue actinic power compact flourecents, cpr bakpak2, magnum 350...
  16. polka

    LFS In Buffalo, NY?

    Try Saltwater Paradise. It's in North Tonowanda or Tonawanda. Not sure of Address. there is also a place called That Fish Place, it's in N. Tonawanda also.
  17. polka


    Okay.......I've done three water changes since this whole fiasco began with the removal of some of the c/c. Today I am happy to report that after readings being through the roof they are now awesome. Am I celebrating too early? Amonia - 0; Nitrtite - 0; Nitrate - 0. Can it be that I have...
  18. polka

    Possibly getting into Reef

    Thanks Wrigley, I did print your info and I was wondering......are all reef tanks so noisey? That's is probably the one thing holding me back. Brother-in-law's tank is very loud.
  19. polka

    can I just add live sand

    I am sooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I posted something very similar to this in f/o. My lfs persuaded me to remove 1/2 of my c/c and vacuum very well in order to cut down on nitrate. I did this and then posted a ? as to putting in l/s. I had been told that I had just made a huge mistake...
  20. polka


    Thanks Kevin, I just did another water change (10 gal). Ammonia is back to 0 but nitrite are still high. Nitrate is climbing and is at 20. How soon can I do another water change? I did one on Wednesday, I was going to do another one today (Friday). Would it help if I added l/s? Still on...