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  1. viper12775

    Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??

    your welcome lit me know if you need help on where to cut the hood
  2. viper12775

    ID a Wierd Critter?? Help!!!

    there is also a worm that bores into liverock and uses the tenticals to catch food pods fish food or what ever they can get
  3. viper12775

    What is the difference between a sump, refugium, overflow box?

    the diff between the sump refugium and overflow is the sump holds extra water making your tank more stable and provides a place to put your skimmer heater and probes ect. the refugium serves for a place to grow macro algae to cut down on hair algae in your main tank and the overflow is a way to...
  4. viper12775

    Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??

    yes there are 3 skimmers you can use but you have to cut the hood with all 3 you can use the seaclone the cpr bak-pak or a lees cc small in tank
  5. viper12775

    What brand of Laptop would you buy?

  6. viper12775

    What size hospital?

    if your fish are small you can setup a 20 gallon long a skimmer is not needed on a qt but its not a bad idea to have one a small cc skimmer it depends on the bioload you will have in the qt
  7. viper12775

    Need Addvice?

    im not sure how much you want to spend but i would go with a berlin hang on if you dont have a sump the skimmer and pump will run you about $209 but it will work on a bigger tank when you upgrade
  8. viper12775

    setting up protein skimmer

    run each one seperate i think the berlin skimmer needs a 500 gph pump like the mag 5
  9. viper12775

    How did everyone get their nick names?

    i use to collect reptiles and my favorite was the eye lash viper and the 12775 the 1277 is part of my address but there was already 12774 vipers before me so i had to take viper12775
  10. viper12775

    Algae identification?

    it looks like caulerpato me if i was looking at the pic right
  11. viper12775

    Mandarin Goby,what about these foods?

    i have herd that they will eat brine shrimp i dont know that they will eat ghost shrimp they probably went down the overflow not sure about the worms ether i had one and he would eat shrimp pellets
  12. viper12775

    decorating live rock?

    there is both supper glue gel and a company that makes the reef rack
  13. viper12775

    multimedia support for pc

    thanks for the link that will help alot and its free:D
  14. viper12775

    Which will work best???

    sump protein skimmer and alot of live rock you could probably convert your wet/dry into a sump
  15. viper12775

    about a quarter inch

    i think i know what your talking about do they have a thread out of the top that waves around if so it's just a harmless plankton feeder
  16. viper12775

    Setup Tank Today

    sorry i read your post wrong i didnt see that it wasnt cycled but yes he means get a dead shrimp and throw it in the tank do it will rot and start the cycle
  17. viper12775

    cleaner shrimp eggs?!?! open brain question

    it sounds like your shrimp had eggs and im not sure about the brain coral i got one when my lfs told me there went that hard to take care of and it would live under my lights and it did for 3 months but it has been dieing the the last month only 1/4 of it left:mad:
  18. viper12775

    chocholat chip star

    there not reef safe they will eat corals
  19. viper12775

    How much light is needed?

    8-14 hours a day 8 min 14 max mine stay on for 12 on a timer and if you get off work at say 5:00 you can set the timer to turn the lights on at 12:00 till 11-12 so they will be on when your home or how ever you want to set it the dont have to come on at sunrise and off at sunset it wont bother...
  20. viper12775

    multimedia support for pc

    thats part of my problem i dont leave my computer:( owell i guess ill get it and hope for the best