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  1. jwalters77

    LFS says no to 55's

    I would have to agree with Volitan...My LFS said that he wouldn't recommend anything smaller than a 55gal...So I bought a 55gal...I have been extremly happy with it, aside from a few newbie setbacks, my system has been flourshing(sp). There is a difference in an opinion and telling someone that...
  2. jwalters77

    A quick Coral Banded Shrimp question!

    My CBS has just started coming out to...I have had him for almost a year now...Very cool to watch...Mine also hangs upside down most of the time... Jake
  3. jwalters77

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    Hi, my name is slim shady....oops wrong board :) My name is Jake I am 24 going to school to be the future president of a major university...or at least a professor some day!! I finance my tanks by working for United Blood Services as a mobile crew supervisor...I enjoy basktball and a fun...
  4. jwalters77

    another LR question

    Add as much as you can now...I waited out the first cycle then added about 65# and it started my cycle all over again...good luck Jake
  5. jwalters77

    Shipping a tank?

    Have you tried you LFS...I would ask them how they recieve the tanks and who they use..My always has tanks coming in and out...HTH Jake
  6. jwalters77

    New tank setup...sorta

    I agree with Karvis, cycling with the LR is much easier...I have done it both ways..LR is definitly easier...In my case I started with 2 damsels and after 2wks my ammonia was still barely detectable...Then I put 75lbs of LR and my ammonia shot up within 4 or 5 days...It was a very quick...
  7. jwalters77

    Who introduced you to this hobby?

    Me and my roommate went to our LFS to look at some FW setups...I had no idea that you could have a saltwater tank..I had always had FW when I was younger...So I decided that I would give saltwater a try and I have been hooked ever since!! BTW my roommate sold his share of the tank...He said it...
  8. jwalters77

    How do you catch a damsel????????

    I had to take all my LR outand chase the little Bas%^$# down....But I got him!!!! Good luck :) Jake
  9. jwalters77

    Sings... "Tiny Bubbles... "

    I see that you are running a is that working out... I am looking to change my equipment and was thinking about trying a fluval or going with refugium....just wondering :) Thanks Jake
  10. jwalters77

    Sings... "Tiny Bubbles... "

    Hey Sandy, I have a Skilter 400 and the only problem I have had from the bubbles is a little salt creep on my light....I just scrape it off every once in a while and have had no problems...Tank has been up since June of last year...HTH :) Jake
  11. jwalters77

    Creating dsb

    I was under the impression that the red coraline algae was good to have...I have it along the back and some on the sandbed of my 55gal....I have read that it is the sign of a healthy system...Am I mistaken?? I kinda like the way it looks to :)
  12. jwalters77

    how old are you?

    24 here
  13. jwalters77

    10 Gallon Tank

    I have a 10gal with just a couple of peices of LR and about an inch of LS...It has an eclipse hood, it all started as a Q tank but kinda went from there...I used LR and water out of my main tank and everything is great...Just have a blue damsel in their right now...I am thinking of putting a few...
  14. jwalters77


    What kind of equipment do you have so far? Need a little more info Jake
  15. jwalters77

    Ecosystem Filter

    I would be very interested in it also..I have been thinking about trying something like that...Just haven't gotten the nerve up yet :D Keep us updated Jake
  16. jwalters77

    Minimum recommended time after mixing water?

    lol!!! good one javajoe :)
  17. jwalters77

    webpage finally up,pics of my tank

    That is a great tank...How do you have your plumbing set up...I am thinking about turning my 55gal into a mini-reef...I only have a FOWLR/LS right now..Anyway nice tank :) Jake
  18. jwalters77

    Minimum recommended time after mixing water?

    I see the point in aging the water...Can you keep the water to long? I have a 31gal trashcan in my room that I keep about 25gal in with a powerhead and a heater...I do water changes every other week...Will the water, as they say, be better with age?? Or should I just mix it overnight then put...
  19. jwalters77

    UV Sterilizer?

    I have had problems with Ich in the past few months..I have read that a UV sterilizer might be the way to go...How hard are they to hook up...I have a 55gal FOWLR/LS no fish right now because of ich outbreak....everything is set up and I was wondering would I have to take the tank down and have...
  20. jwalters77

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    Wow, that is an hour and half of my life I will never get back!!!!!! <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> This kid needs some serious help!!!! Now he broke up with his imaginary girlfriend!!!lol Will it ever end?!?!?