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  1. legend

    which one should i get?

    I have a 20g reef tank and was thinking about putting one of these two fish in. A sixline wrasse or a yellow watchmen. The tank has been up and running for about 6 months now and everything is going well. What should i go for?
  2. legend

    Tangs in 20l

    yeah that tank is nice for being only 3 weeks old. What type of lighting do you have on it?
  3. legend

    Tangs in 20l

    I cant believe you have that powder blue in that 20g tank. Great looking tank though. Those are really hard to keep, i am surprised he is doing well in such a young tank. Those guys are very costly at my LFS. How much did you spend on him? That gold stripe is awesome as well. Whatever...
  4. legend

    Lights on for a week = death for corals!

    it was'nt the light i bet...i bet it was the salt level that killed everything. The water evaporates while the salt stays behind.
  5. legend

    Mushrooms and Polyp trouble

    IMO i think you need more lighting over your tank. 100 watts really is'nt that much over a 42 gallon tank. I have 130 watts over a 20g and everything seems to be going strong. Is it possible to upgrade your lighting?
  6. legend

    Thinking of starting a new club at my school

    yeah i would'nt.....i was made fun of during high for being so thrilled by my multiple salt water and fresh wate tanks. If you have a lot of other people in your school then why not, but if you are like me, which have no other friends into reefs then why bother.
  7. legend

    Plate Coral or Ric coral?

    Hello, I just got this coral which i thought was a ricordia mushroom coral and was sold as a ricordia mushroom coral, but i'm not to sure. I wish i had a pic but for some reason i dont know how to upload pictures on to this thread. I think i have a plate coral instead of a ric. The coral is a...
  8. legend

    LFS...what a great deal on cleaner shrimp

    I found this LFS today that i never knew was around. I stopped in and they had cleaner shrimp for only $15 bucks! I was like.....omg can this be!?!?! So i got two of them....i have never seen them this low in price. The going price at another stores around me were 30 bucks each. So it pays...
  9. legend

    whats teh most expencive fish youve ever seen

    Chili/Super red Asian Arrowana's or even X-back asian i wish i had that kind of money.
  10. legend

    Rics Anyone?

    my bad.. i did'nt read the name, i just assumed that it was a guy posting because i have'nt really met any females into fish.
  11. legend

    Rics Anyone?

    those look really awesome dude. What kind of upkeep do you give them? How long have you had them?
  12. legend

    Ro really cheap!

    what did you put it into carry it home? or did you just use 8 poland spring bottles.....
  13. legend

    fw tank

    red blood parrots are really nice..sorta expensive though. They go real well with arrowanas
  14. legend

    Reef Lighting Watts per gallon

    what kind of corals can you keep under your 130 watts in your 20?
  15. legend

    my blue hippo

    nice find
  16. legend

    How do you SAY "Aiptasia"?

    asp-dr-323-fes-rcfe-wfs-juh-juh-apwas-332. Something like that i think...
  17. legend

    my blue hippo

    cool much did you spend on him/her?
  18. legend

    Anybody got a pod pic?

    are pods good? I have they look like roaches? Theu run pretty fast under water.
  19. legend

    I hate stupid ignorant ASSININE people (Electric company)

    anyone got any frags to give to mike?
  20. legend

    Cleaning behind your reef

    what kind of power head?