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  1. devil dog

    180 gallon Reef tanks

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune does it count if the tank and sump add up to 180+ gal? haha If that was the case mine would be 320g... lol And size doesnt matter...
  2. devil dog

    Birdsnest progression pics

    Looks good... keep it up
  3. devil dog

    180 gallon Reef tanks

    Looks Good... I have a 210g its about the same... here are some pic's
  4. devil dog

    What Would You Say...

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 "i love you" I love this tape measure!!!!
  5. devil dog

    Purple Tang Died

    Originally Posted by b00st3d Within 3 days of what? Yup both of them...
  6. devil dog

    Things you should never say out loud around your wife

    Originally Posted by meowzer I can't believe you dates another week after that one...LOL Hey if it was me I would have got out of the car right there and walked home... But for real what was she thinking? Two weeks!!!! I have fallen in love with someone quick but like two months not weeks...
  7. devil dog

    No alcohol in February

    Originally Posted by makoshrk2 I say go on a tequila and whiskey bender. A bottle of patron, and a bottle of Jack Daniel's. After that you'll want to quit for another month That was my friday and saturday... and next weekend all over again...
  8. devil dog

    Things you should never say out loud around your wife

    Here is a little story that happened to me about five years ago… I was dating this girl for TWO weeks and we were in my car sitting there by Lake Michigan talking… Now I’m hoping for something from her if you know what I mean… And she looks at me and says… I LOVE YOU!!! I looked like a deer in...
  9. devil dog

    No alcohol in February

    Oh man that is something i really need to do... I'm almost to the point to where i cant have fun on the weekend unless I'm drinking...
  10. devil dog

    What NOT to ask the hubby

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman Hmmmm amazing... there are only 17 posts in this thread. If this had been started by a man about women, we'd be on 3rd or 4th page by now. Thats bc us guys are just that good there isnt anything to say... lol
  11. devil dog

    Purple Tang Died

    Hey thanks everyone... I will need to look for a new one... and see if he will live longer... And I dont thank any tang will eat cheato...?
  12. devil dog

    Purple Tang Died

    Originally Posted by Anonome Devil Dog, I know that you keep excellent care of your fish and corals, so I am so sorry for this loss. But, I have to ask..... I loss a yellow tang after 5 years also to an unknown ailment, and the only thing that I could think of is that it was possibly...
  13. devil dog

    Purple Tang Died

    Thanks Guys...
  14. devil dog

    Scientists find new fish

    It's not new... it was first discovered in 1939...
  15. devil dog

    Purple Tang Died

    Ok so I get that everything dies but I just don’t get why my Purple Tang died... I have Yellow tang, Sailfin tang, Achilles tang and the Purple tang... and I have had the Purple Tang for about 5 years and the rest for about 3 years... and with in three days my Purple Tang died... All of the...
  16. devil dog

    110 gallon soft reef...PICTURES!

    Looks good... Keep it up!!!!
  17. devil dog

    large tank without calcium reactor

    I dont think so... you will have to add something or do water changes... like 100 gallons evey three or four months... the way i can tell its time for a water changes is when my xenias doesnt look good so i would have to say its time for a water change... I would just run your CR and do water...
  18. devil dog

    Rainwater Reservoir for my Reef Tank

    Originally Posted by natclanwy If you run the water through your RO/DI system I don't see any reason why you couldn't use it in your tank. You will need a pump to feed the RO/DI filter though. + 1
  19. devil dog

    Naso Tang got eaten

    Originally Posted by thauro77 My Naso tang got weaten by the carpet anemome. I went on vacation for a week and left the tank on its own. When I got back last night everything was accouinted for and no losses. I feed the fish and all was fine. When O woke up this morning I noticed that the...
  20. devil dog

    Killer hermit crab??

    Originally Posted by jobu28 Ok, thanks guys. He is gone. Picked up a few of the smaller hermit crabs. The LFS called them reef safe, red leg, blue leg, etc. My daughter was upset but i told her they were baby Sebastions. These shouldnt attack anything should they? How many are good? The blue...