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  1. lamaface

    Help with maroon clown.

    just leave them and let the fish beat the poop out of each other untill one gives up (the new one preferably)... and if the fish dont stop fighting in a couple of days then take the maroon back...
  2. lamaface

    Snowflake eel ?

    well your clown will probs be very agressive so i wouldn't worry to much about him at the moment and about your coral beauty...thats a bit of a risk hey... but i kept my snowflake for about 2 months before he chomped my damsels... so goodluck.
  3. lamaface

    power head impeller modification?

    Hey guys, i have 2 VERY large power heads and needed to make the water output could i do this? and if i cut off all the blade thingys on one side would it have a rapidly "pulsing" effect? Thanks
  4. lamaface

    Got a new macro lense 6-pack

    wow!! awsome pics!! and in the 3rd pic, whats the correct name for that acro?
  5. lamaface

    10g update what do u think "" Progress Pics""

    compress the file to 500X500 pixels
  6. lamaface

    Three Months

    .......beautiful.... bang well done on the tank!!! You truly have a gift!
  7. lamaface

    Clam Question "please Reply"

    well frogspawn maybe, there not that difficult to keep but the, not unless you want to spend your money of a jewl of the sea that might and probably will die in such a small tank. MH, so what? Im keeping sps and clams under 8T5s (432ww) in my main reef tank BUT i am upgrading to 3...
  8. lamaface


    Ok guys, know im a bit stuck thanks to my impulse buying... I have a 5ft (100G) tank with a bunch of sps which require a poop load of water flow... in that same tank i also have a goniapora that doesn't need or want much water flow... Should i throw in some massive powerheads and let my...
  9. lamaface

    Does anyone know what species of Gorgonian this is.

    they need very strong flow. And hows your water quality?
  10. lamaface

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    bang... could you post the pics again pls...i can't seem to see them... thanks Where do these things live??? i wanted to go diving in Maritius but if these 3ft monsters live there.. i'll be happier on the beach or in the pool... i dont want to die by getting eatin by a big bug...
  11. lamaface

    SPS nano

    i agree with you Viper, i would have to measure how much of an element im using before dosing. I'll fine tune the dosing thing when i get around to actually getting the tank. I'll be testing the water once a day or once every 2 days. With precious little sps frags in there, really wont want to...
  12. lamaface

    SPS nano

    ok, i'll dose daily and keep my water stable and if i go on holiday i'll just hook the little tank up to my 100g reef which has a Kalk unit + autotop up water with added minerals ect. I wanted to start this tank for a challenge, i didn't want it to be as easy as my big tank. i wanted a...
  13. lamaface

    SPS nano

    well even though there were no positive comments, it is possible. And im not wasting any money other than the cost of the live rock. Won the nano and got the MH for my old 25 G in which i kept quite a few hard corals and a bunch of random softies. The sps that im gonna put into the are frags...
  14. lamaface

    SPS nano

    ok guys thanks!!! im now convinced to try!!! I'll hang the MH about 15-30cm above the tank to prevent to much heat + i'll put 2 fans in just under the MH to make sure heat is dispersed and for calcium, i have a kalk stirrer and will just take the dripper thats normally drips into to my big reef...
  15. lamaface

    SPS nano

    10-15 G, im not completely sure. Its one of the those acrylic bow front tanks with filter built into the hood and a 10000K PC for light. I'll just change the PC for my halide and put live rock segments into the filter. I'll also put 2 powerheads into the tiny tank for maximum current and i have...
  16. lamaface

    SPS nano

  17. lamaface

    Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

    Very nice tank!!! And happy birthday!!! How big is your tank?
  18. lamaface

    SPS nano

    Hey guys, i plan to make a small little nano tank into an nano SPS. Could i do it or am i crazy?I'll hang a 75ww 7500k Halide over the little tank. Now all i have to do is win it... This is the good version of this post... Could i do it and if so could you SPS keepers give my some advice?
  19. lamaface

    SPS nano

    Hey guys, i plan to make a small little nano tank into an nano SPS. Could i do it or am i crazy?I'll hang a 75ww 7500k Halide over the little tank. Now all i have to do is win it... I AM SOO SORRY MUST REPOST...
  20. lamaface

    The luckiest thing happened to my Longnose Hawkfish

    Yeah a couple of days ago i lost my sixline wrasse cuase he jumped into my overflow and being the retard that i am didn't notice that he was gone untill a really awful smell started wafting from my canopy... im going to start doing some serious DIY to my tank soon just to make sure that even if...