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  1. lamaface

    What do brittle stars eat?

    most brittle stars eat detritus but you can feed them if you want
  2. lamaface

    Is this enough lighting for a clam?

    ive been keeping my crocea alive and well under 6 T-5s (4 White & 2 Actinics 324ww in total) my clams about 5" under the surface and alive. It doensn't grow much and is starting to become darker so ive decided to upgrade to Mhs for the sake of keeping my clam healthy. The lights at present...
  3. lamaface

    What does it mean when your protein skimmer almost fills up in one night?

    either you are running your skimmer too high or you have a lot of dissolved organics, the slime would cause lots of protein. i added a colony of shrooms and had a protein spike for about 3 days after i added them and once they got happy the protein went back to normal.
  4. lamaface

    Reef Safe?

    well im a clam addict so that could be a problem.... i think i may just leave the wrasse, rather be safe than sorry.
  5. lamaface

    Reef Safe?

    Hey guys, i was wondering wether any of you guys would have a picture of a Emerald Coral Wrasse and If a Regal Tang, thats been in my tank for a long time, and a clown tang which i want to add, and is a Emerald Coral Wrasse reef safe? Thanks
  6. lamaface

    Ok how do you aquaculture a clam?

    its impossible to breed and grow clams in a normal tank. do some research on the subject its very interesting.
  7. lamaface

    White Phlegmy Goo

    i thinks its a sponge but thats as much as i know.
  8. lamaface

    How Old Are You?

    13, FW since i was like 6 and been keeping salt for 4 years this year late september
  9. lamaface

    SPS care

    Same as Tizzo
  10. lamaface

    Life Sucks....

    Thanks guys for the kind words.... yeah im only 14 and spend every cent i have on my tank...i have to buy my own clothes and stuff aswell though so maybe thats why my dads such an ass...i love my parents dearly but my dads a bit too much of a money miser.... and funkyman i agree...i look about...
  11. lamaface

    Life Sucks....

    Hello all...just got back from my 4 week holiday today and my tank is gone...i left some friends of my mom ,who where housesitting for us, look after the tank. They were confident that they could manage so i thought they could...turned out the didn't know stuff all and had to call in...
  12. lamaface

    Iron and flowerpots/goniopora???

    i have been keeping my flowerpot alive for about 6 months now and the tentacles are almost always fully exended. I dont want to boast or anything, i mean i haven't even had it a year yet but ive experimented a bit. When i bought my flowerpot there where only other coras and no fish in my tank...
  13. lamaface

    Yellow Pygmy Angel reef friendly?

    Centropyge heraldi
  14. lamaface

    Yellow Pygmy Angel reef friendly?

    thanks guys, i think is nipping at my soft coras but hey...he may sop right?
  15. lamaface

    Yellow Pygmy Angel reef friendly?

    I made the mistake...AGAIN...of impulse buying a fishie...i bought my self a Yellow Pygmy Angel under the thought that they where a dwarf angel and reef safe...ive done some research and found out that even thought they are "dwarf" they are not neccisarly reef safe... Who has kept this fish...
  16. lamaface

    Frogspawn Placement

    i would move it up the rockstructure quite a bit...i had mine in the sand for about 4 months noting really good polyp extention but little growth and now that i have in about halfway up my tank its polyps are extended just a little less but its growing very nicely!! and become thicker aswell!!
  17. lamaface

    Setting up a 125 with ideas for fish,corals..etc please help!

    word of advice on the fish thing...wait till your reefs happy and healthy then start adding the nitrate generators SLOWLY!!! Corals get irritated VERY QUICKLY if the water quality starts dropping...add fish slowly and dont add to many big predator fish, they require alot of food and lots of...
  18. lamaface

    Few pics of the tank!!!

  19. lamaface

    what in the world is this little slugy thingy?

    whew...thats pretty cool, yay!
  20. lamaface

    what in the world is this little slugy thingy?

    I have about 5 of these little slugs in my tank and they normally only come out at night...last night i checked them munching merrilly at my algae but if they eat algae, they can also munch corals...What is it? and is it reef safe?