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  1. lamaface

    Male&Female Firegobies

    ye, so unless i get really big, fat firegobies, it would be a risk.
  2. lamaface

    Fish to eat annoying caulerpa

    top one, yellow body, black face, no colourful stripes.
  3. lamaface

    Fish to eat annoying caulerpa

    in litres its 1500l not sure how much in gallons though.
  4. lamaface

    Fish to eat annoying caulerpa

    ok so foxface or bristletooth tangs, any preferances though?
  5. lamaface

    Male&Female Firegobies

    Im quite keen to get 5 or so for my tank, got a 200gal reef but i also have a lion (still small and cute) if i managed to find big fish would they be ok with my lion and chromis ect? I'm keeping my lion with green chromis and they all happy and fat, but i have a crab (some unknown denizen of the...
  6. lamaface

    Fish to eat annoying caulerpa

    Hey guys, i've got lotsa Caulerpa Racemosa,my regal tang has become fat and lazy and isn't eating the tough stuff anymore. hehe, so any suggestions on what would?
  7. lamaface

    How Upsetting... Monti Cap suddenly started flaking

    could you perhaps move the monti away from the nem and to another place in the tank where there is no chance of anything stining/pestering it? Goodluck hey and when you lift it just check if there is anythin chowing it from the bottom.
  8. lamaface

    Help me set up the perfect 260 gallon reef!

    yay a fellow 260g reefer!! ok, personally i would stick with just liverock as your main source of filltration, im pushing an insanely high bioload in my tank (22fish + inverts) but my water params are PERFECT and as a result im getting amazing growth on all my SPS and my clams. I'm mainly...
  9. lamaface

    Emporer Angel food?

    HUGE BAT!!! Beautiful fish hey! Are you planning to upgrade?
  10. lamaface

    Shark in the tank

    lol... actually i know quite a few...
  11. lamaface

    Shark in the tank

    Beautiful shark!!! Hope he goes to a nice big home!
  12. lamaface


    No, i wouldn't risk it... A 150g is abit small, you could put either the Majestic or a French but not both. I've got a 260g and i still wouldn't risk it. You could try mix dwarf angels but not proper angels. Goodluck
  13. lamaface

    Gotta love those frogs!

    Mine is splitting but its also got 3 tiny, tiny little frogspawns growing just below the main head? Its not splitting, the little colonys are like 1mm across and are very, very small compared to the main colony. I'll try to get a pic of them.
  14. lamaface

    Lets see those skimmers!

    I'll post my baby tomorrow... :D :D :D :D :D
  15. lamaface

    Sick powder blue and Blue face angel

    shew... i've had the same thing, ok i think you should leave the fish in the tank the way it is. If you try to take them out and quarentine it'll just stress them more and that'll do them no good. Good call. The dulling could be a sign of stress. Unless its specifically on the lateral line i...
  16. lamaface

    Long Spined Urchin- Reef Safe? Or am i being stupid?

    a ok... so no no to the long spine... ok i can deal with that... :'(.. lol Well then i might aswell invest in my new giant squamosa
  17. lamaface

    new setup

    lol, honestly i think your tank could do with a little more lr or rock that can support biological activity. But looking good i must say!
  18. lamaface

    Toadstool dying?

    Dont think it really matters that much. Softies dont have a calcium based skeleton so theoretically calcium wouldn't effect them.
  19. lamaface

    Am I Skimming Enough?

    Are you corals/fish happy? Is your water a yellow colour? Take out some water and put it in a pure white bucket and if your waters yellow theres dissolved organics in the water that shouldn't be there and your skimmers not skimming enough. And what colour is the skimmate?
  20. lamaface

    Long Spined Urchin- Reef Safe? Or am i being stupid?

    Hey guys, i'm interested in putting a long spined urchin in my 260g reef. I have all SPS and clams. I also have a couple of LPS but no softies except a couple of mushys. I've been reading up on these guys but i can't seem to make a desicion. Should i go for one and see what happens or is it...