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  1. lamaface

    Butterfly fish compatability???

    Hey guys, This topic has been bugging me for ages. I know a few guys around where i live that say Butterfly fish aren't agrro towards one another and another few guys which say putting more than one butterfly in a tank is killing a beautiful fish... Which one is it??? I want to keep more than...
  2. lamaface

    My new 100Gallon

    Hey guys, Ive just managed to get myself a 60Gallon tank + a 26 gallon sump. I want to make a fishonly set up either with a) Dwarf Lionfish, snowflake morey and pair of maroons or b) Pair of maroons with a butterfly, a tang and another show fish. Could these setups work? If you guys have ideas...
  3. lamaface

    What do i feed my mandarin? (Supplemental Feeding)

    Hey guys, got myself a beautiful little female mandarin today as a christmas pressie from my dad!! She's a little thin but still looking very healthy and alert. Shes in my 5ft 100G reef tank with about 100 Pounds of live rock...Hopefully getting another 50 pounds of LR on Tuesday but dunno if...
  4. lamaface

    What's in your refugium?

    I be having a 2" deep crushed coral bed (Wish i didn't, doesn't do anything but grow copepods) 2 acro coral skeletons that died in my die out. 1 tiny 1" firefish which i picked up from my lfs for $10 (R60) lotsa caulerpa ect bugs, sponges, a mussel that was cultured be me... grew from an...
  5. lamaface

    t5 lighting

    i used them on my 100G reef and they work well!! I could keep most corals except acros ect. They get very hot. What ww are the bulbs?
  6. lamaface

    Condy Anemone...HELP!!!

    It causes bad water quality because what ever you feed your anemone has to come out aswell, and their excrement cause ammonia ect which leads to death of anemone and bad water quality. Zooxanthellae are the symbiotic algae which live in the anemones tissue. Without zooxanthellae the anemone...
  7. lamaface

    My purty lil' tank

    I have a pair of sandsifting gobies (Goldhead), 1 sixline wrasse, 1 bannana Wrasse, 1 Yelow mimic angel, 1 regal tang. I recently added the pair of gobies so thats what i think is causing the algae. Those rocks also seem to grow all the wrong types of algae...dodgy rocks...
  8. lamaface

    Pics of you tanks / Friday~~~

    Nice tanks!!! Joco what kinda powerheads are those in your tank? Nice frags by the way!!
  9. lamaface

    Help me new reefer

    Wat are you going to do with the lion and the angler?
  10. lamaface

    FlatWorm problems...

    I'll make a bucket of water with the Flatworm Exit and every peice of rock i move from my tank to my new tank will be dipped and soaked in the bucket before it goes into my new tank and the tank will be running activated carbon untill all the rock has been in for a month just to make the...
  11. lamaface

    My purty lil' tank

  12. lamaface

    FlatWorm problems...

    k, did the research and it said that i wouldn't harm other inverts but how can i really be sure? Does anyone know how Flatworm Exit works? Thanks for the help funkyman!
  13. lamaface

    FlatWorm problems...

    will it kill other inverts?
  14. lamaface

    My 30 gallon aquarium pics

    !!!!!!!!!!ROFMAO!!!!!! ....and they call me a drama queen....
  15. lamaface

    some new pics! sps

    VERY NICE!!! im
  16. lamaface

    FlatWorm problems...

  17. lamaface

    My new 30 gallon with BEASTS

    ...u will never learn... why do u ask for advice and then not heed the advice you asked for??? You will learn your lesson soon enough and then i will make sure im there to say "I told you so". Dont want to come of as mean but cummon dude! The majority said you couldn't but you think you can and...
  18. lamaface

    My new 30 gallon with BEASTS

    Your tank is not big enough to support the lionfish... Want cool fish? Get a bigger tank!!! Rather return both fish and get yourself a pair of clowns or a cardinal or summink on the lines or "not big, not aggresive, not messy carivores". Sorry to burst your bubble Joey but if would be both...
  19. lamaface

    Can anyone identify my new little lion????

    Spotfins are Antenna lions and they have spots on their pectoral fins near the body.
  20. lamaface

    FlatWorm problems...

    Ive got a serious Flatworm problem in my 100G tank which i dont mind becuase they dont really hurt anything in the tank except for the macroalgae (which im trying to get rid of). Im most probably going to get a custom 380Gallon Reef but im going to be using the live rock from my 100G...How could...