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  1. lamaface

    Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!

    Hey Guys, i have a really aggresive Yellow Tang mimic angel which wont leave any of my other fish alone...hes always trying to chase them, bite them ect...I got a little copperband butterfly on saturday but because of my angels abuse it has torn fins and i had to put it into a little floating...
  2. lamaface

    smallest possible tank for anemone and marron clown??

    They would be only fish in the tank. I'll try get the 50, but if i can only manage to get the 30 they would be ok as the only fish in the tank? I really want them but if the wont be happy in wat i can provide i think i'll leave them at the LFS...
  3. lamaface

    smallest possible tank for anemone and marron clown??

    I really, really wanna a maroon clown but i can't put it in my reef...Whats the smallest tank that i can keep a pair of Maroons and an Anemone?
  4. lamaface

    can you put 2 maroon clown together?

    If they are still small there probably wont be much aggression towards each other but when they get bigger.... Best of luck...
  5. lamaface

    Say hello to my little friend

    That things scary... kinda makes me not wanna go swimming anytime soon...
  6. lamaface


    My little Crocea a couple of months ago... Got another crocea a couple of weeks ago...will take pics soon...
  7. lamaface

    Maroon Clowns reef safe?? alot more complex than it seems...

    Hey guys, i was a'wondering...Could i keep a pair of clowns in my 100G reef with banana wrasse, tangs, dwarf angel, clams, frogspawn, bubble coral, hammer coral some more cute little fishies that i'll get sooner or later and lotsa shrimp, a snail the size of a small apple called Gary, and NO...
  8. lamaface

    Killer Clowns?!?!?

    Maybe your star tried to get cosy with your clowns eggs on more than one ocasion and your clowns retaliated? Unleashed, awsome avatar dude!! Did you get it off a site?
  9. lamaface

    Brought Home The Bigger Setup Today!!

    Absolutaly, amazingly awsome!!! Your tank is actually becoming an inspiration to me!! Its brilliant!!
  10. lamaface

    urchin attacking!!

    looks a bit like a limpet to me...i have hundreds in my tank...well i had hundreds untill i got my Boxershrimp, he seems to love eating them!! Still have alot though...
  11. lamaface

    Clam placement help!

    The gaping holes is his mouth and is supposed to be only a little bit open. Gaping is a sign of stress or that the clams not healthy. In a couple of days the gaping wil probably stop and then the clam will healthy again but if it doens't stop you have a bit of a problem...
  12. lamaface

    Some Tank Photos I thought I would share

    Cool thanks, wat kinda snails? ...i wish my tank could look more like yours....
  13. lamaface

    Some Tank Photos I thought I would share

    AMAZING TANK!!! I was wondering how do you keep your sand so clean and white and pretty? Do you use gobies?
  14. lamaface

    sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???

    well me and a couple of guys tried keeping clams (squamosa, crocea and maxima) under differant types of lighting. All the clams showed under T-5s, PCs, VHO darkening of colours and in the case of VHOs the clams started to look like they were going to die (as we noticed this we put them into his...
  15. lamaface

    sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???

    yeah, the goby dumping sand would be a problem and if the clam survives under your current lighting it would go very dark and become very dull in an attempt to get more light.
  16. lamaface

    How do you keep your sand white

    sand sifting gobys!
  17. lamaface

    reef safe butterfly?

    ...well not really but ive had some luck with the copperband and so have a few of my friends, so 2/5 butterflies didn't eat coral ect for the first 6 months but then 3/5 started to nibble and 1 out of the remaining 2 reef safe butterflies died of unknown causes. Hopefully the one reef safe...
  18. lamaface

    Goniporia (flower pot)

    They perish for unknown reasons after about 6 months, in some tanks the flourish and produce new colonys and in others they just die... i had mine for about a year (it was producing small colonys and growing) but then died in a freak salinity bleaching ( i was away for a month and left some reef...
  19. lamaface

    Loud Overfow!

    could you post a drawing of your overflow and how it works (like plumbing from it ect)
  20. lamaface

    Is this enough lighting for a clam?

    As long as you have a nice MH + the rest (water quality ect) you can keep clams but an anemone would probably irritate the clam because it would also fight for the light and clams get irritated if they get too much current and thats a problem cause anemones need current.