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  1. lamaface

    microscopic worms all over tank

    LOLOLOL!!! Those look just like baby bristle worms!!!! Dont worry too much about them but if it starts to get out of hand i would recommend getting a Banna Wrasse or a 6 line wrasse if you wanna get rid of them.
  2. lamaface

    This is what happenes

    Think lights are on removable hood and i would really try and save the live rock... In a couple of weeks/months your gonna be sorry you didn't... my 2cents and P.S. This also happened to me... Killed everything in my tank except my clowns and damsels... Do massive waterchange... Try and save us...
  3. lamaface

    Very odd swimming worm found in my tank

    Do you have any feather dusters in your tank?
  4. lamaface

    open brain coral

    How deep is your tank? In my experiance they really dont like a lot light... If it doesn't start to look better where youve got it try moving it to a partially shaded spot.
  5. lamaface

    Got eggs again....

    Would mandarins feed on the newly hatched clown fish?
  6. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!! :joy: :hilarious :jumping: !!!!YAY!!!! Thanks BaNgGuY!!!
  7. lamaface

    grouper pics

    What another species of very colourful grouper that i could put into a hundred gallon?
  8. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    I agree... I really am in love with Pseudochromis fridmani and as i live in South Africa the red sea is just up the eastern coast so they are readily available. From what research ive done these fish seem quite hardy... They also seem to be compatible with everything in my tank....Would you...
  9. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    Ye, they are pretty! Is that the only basslet that i could risk? Thanks again for the help guys!
  10. lamaface

    How Can This be Possible?

    by adding an alkalinity buffer.
  11. lamaface

    Latest Readings - Something's funny

    I highly recommend getting a phosphate test. That may be the cause of all your problems. Carry on with your water changes just dont take out too much water at once as it could kill your fishys. Take a reading a day after you clean your tank not an hour. Take another reading tomorrow.
  12. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    Thanks guys for all your help!!! Greatly appreciated and wouldve probs bought another tang or summink wit out it! I think i'll got for a Sunrise Dottyback or a Magneta dottyback as they are quite small and very colourful! Thanks for the help guys! Or maybe no dottybacks as they are agrresive...
  13. lamaface

    New Clam question

    preferably for 10-12 hours and run your pcs for an hour before and after the halides in the morning and evening. This time scheme is working really well for me and how old is your tank?
  14. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    o...ok.... well i didn' expect that but hey... How much fish per gallon in a reef tank? Thanks Bang!!!
  15. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    Its a 5ft 100Gallon reef with 1 Regal tang, 1 Yellow mimic angel, 1 copperband butterfly, 1 six line wrasse, 1 banna wrasse, 2 goldhead gobies + Lotsa inverts and acros and clams, lotsa hardcorals and only a few sofies.
  16. lamaface

    Some really nice fish for a reef?

    Hey guys could you please name me a few realy nice fish for a reef setup with acros and softies and lotsa inverts. Really want to add something with colour and charater to my tank. Thanks guys
  17. lamaface

    Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!

    k, will leave the CB out of the equation...i still can't catch the little ****...AAAAAA Could i try to catch him by putting a mesh divider in and use the bottle trick but use more of the bottle? I could divide the tank and only feed the meshed in section, the fish will eventually...
  18. lamaface

    clow cobies

    You mean clown goby and yes you can keep more than one and what kinda clown do u wanna keep them with?
  19. lamaface

    Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!

    Could i use the Copperband as bait? I could put him into the bottle and then leave the bottle in a plave where the angel is sure to find him and when he tries to attack him he'll get caught in the bottle aswell. Could i do this?
  20. lamaface

    Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!

    Thanks, Will try that tonight and pray that it works!!!