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  1. lamaface

    Urchin or not to Urchin????

    hmmmm... i dont keep softies what i was more worried about was the spines poking the soft flesh of my clams... I've been doing some research and the matter seems to be highly debatable. From what i've read they seem to eat more algae ect but will eat everything and anything if hungry enough...
  2. lamaface

    Curiouse how much everyone has invested into your tank/tanks?

    hahaha, im with reef bug... I've got 4 tanks (100G, 55G, 30GQT and my baby, my 260G reef)... ive spent about $14000 on all my tanks...without taking into account, i can't afford my other 2 tanks (100G and 55G) so i must sell them... dammit..
  3. lamaface

    Toadstool dying?

    Ye i must agree with scsi, leathers are temperamental if i can put it that way... lol, thats why i dont keep softies atleast with my acros/clams i know if they are doing well or not.
  4. lamaface

    Urchin or not to Urchin????

    Longspine black urchin? Would that be compatible in a reef with clams and acro's ec?
  5. lamaface

    Toadstool dying?

    um... i had the same prop with one of my softies a while back... The shedding is fine but i rate you need more light. And hows the current in your tank?
  6. lamaface

    mystery wrasse is mystery

    Unless your sixline is very friendly you could try a trap or worst case you'll have to take all your live rock out and catch it then replace the rock. hehe, im quite lucky, in my tank i have a fairy wrasse, 6line and bananna wrasse al living very peacefully together. I had a cleaner aswell but...
  7. lamaface

    want to learn more on coral placement?

    I'd recommend the book by Eric Borneman aswell, very, very informative and has helped me stacks! I love it!
  8. lamaface

    For those of whom have Elegance Coral!

    it looks healthy enough, give it a try and see what happens. Just look at what kinda conditions(waterflow, light ect) its happy in and then find a spot in your tank that has similiar conditions. Good luck.
  9. lamaface

    Banded coral shrimp(gold) VS cleaner shrimp

    i've had cleaners and cb(gold) in the same tank before and they didn't fight or challenge each other. A couple of nights i saw them sitting together within reach of each other and nothing happened but i put the cleaner in first.
  10. lamaface

    Fish that eat bristle worms?

    I've got 3 wrasse in my system (Fairy wrasse, Bannana Wrasse and sixline) and my bannana wrasse hunts the brisstle worms in the morning. He eats like 5-10 a day. I've never seen my sixline eat worms. lol, when i pulled apart al my liverock when i moved into my 260 gallon system I almost got...
  11. lamaface

    Urchin or not to Urchin????

    I want to get an urchin for my tank which is about 240 gallons but i have masses of Acro and Clams and lotsa and lotsa rocks. Do you rate i could get an urchin and if i do what kind?
  12. lamaface

    Flat Worms

    but what would the nudibranch eat other than the worms and would it survive once all the worms are eaten?
  13. lamaface

    The Little sheet thingy which splits water up?!?!

    Ye i think a peice of acrylic with holes in it will do... But what size holes for what gPH?
  14. lamaface

    The Little sheet thingy which splits water up?!?!

    Hey guys, i just finished building my 4 compartment sump and i am going to add a bioball thingy in the first compartment but whats the best thing to split up the water? If you guys know what i mean, the sheet of something that makes a single channel of water split into hundreds so that all the...
  15. lamaface

    Big wrasse compatible with butterflys ect?

    Hey guys, i wanted to put a nice big wrasse in my tank with some butterflys, dwarf lion and a emperor angel (still hasn't gotten adult colours). Could i do this and what kinda wrasse would you guys recommend? Thanks P.S. I dont have this tank yet but it will be arriving next week sometime and...
  16. lamaface

    wrasse compatability

    You wont be able to put 2 possum wrasses together in a 30. Ive got a 100G, i put both my wrasse in at the same time (a 6line and banna) and they still fight on occasion. I dont think you would be able to put another wrasse into that tank.
  17. lamaface

    What could i get with these MH'S

    So you dont have anyfish? You could keep almost anything with these lights but then again, what you can keep is determined by your water quality, livestock and filtration.
  18. lamaface

    What could i get with these MH'S

    Good light, what do you have in your tank?
  19. lamaface

    help my clam

    You can't really do much for it... Just make sure its not close to any aggresive corals, out of too much current and has alot of light. I had a clam which also had a nice big hole through that tissue and i just left it in a nice spot and it recovered. What lighting do you have? I personally...
  20. lamaface

    can i pair a white stripe maroon with a goldstripe maroon?

    Hey guys.. i got myself a gold stripe maroon today and was wondering if i could pair it with my existing white stripe... Its currently living in another tank. Is it possible? Thanks guys!