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  1. hollywooddiver

    40g move.

    yeah i was gonna make the 10 the qt tank. i love small fish but mainly we had em small cause of the 10. ok cool. i will use the water change water to help wit the cycle on the 60.
  2. hollywooddiver

    40g move.

    ok so we bought the tank yesterday. we decided to get the 60 instead of the 40 because it was only 10$ more. today i built the stand for it. so we are officially ready to test fill it then start cycling her.
  3. hollywooddiver

    40g move.

    Hello. I need some hep and advice. Currently i have a 10g fowlr. I am getting a 40g tank today and i plan on moving everything over to it. I am gonna be getting the filter,powerheads, heaters, and such for the tank as well. Other than the stuff to operate the tank i am kinda guessing on how to...
  4. hollywooddiver

    Water Evap lighting question.

    ok sounds good. thank you
  5. hollywooddiver

    Water Evap lighting question.

    I have a 10g fowlr with stock lighting (the light bars that come in the tank kits) well my lighting right now run from 8:30am-9:00pm. So i am thinking of running them for a shorter time period cause my water evaporates like crazy and its not hot in my house. So my question is what would you...
  6. hollywooddiver

    q-tip sponges.

    well going by the pictures under the hitchhikers forum on here thats what they are. its funny, i have aptasia and i have maybe like around 6, and that number hasnt changed in a long time. my feather dusters and q-tips have duplicated like crazy though.
  7. hollywooddiver

    q-tip sponges.

    my nitrate is around 30. god i hope they go away. they are everywhere. lol
  8. hollywooddiver

    q-tip sponges.

    ok folks i have a 10 fowlr going at my girlfriends house right now. Q-tip sponges are taking over. is there anything i can do to get rid of them?
  9. hollywooddiver

    Id this please good or bad?

    from what i can see it looks like q-tips sponges. i have a bunch. are these it?
  10. hollywooddiver

    Bright green algae?

    so then is green coraline a good thing?
  11. hollywooddiver

    Bright green algae?

    so i came onto this thread cause i have the neon green algae as well and wanted to know what it was. sooo. does anyone know what it is?
  12. hollywooddiver

    why wont my yellow clown gobies eat! what do they eat?

    Mysis. Also your fish has been eating you just don't see it. Your fish wouldn't not still be alive if it wasn't eating. Also at first, feed with the room lights off and dump the food in and remove yourself from the area. After a while you can start being around during feeding. My Clown "wasn't"...
  13. hollywooddiver

    My 75g diary

    Not a good picture but its the best i could get. Ignore the room. My bedroom became storage for a minute while moving.
  14. hollywooddiver

    My 75g diary

    Ok so I got the tank. Huge drama going on with my family so I couldn't get on here sooner. So the tank needs some work before I start her up. Its a 75g Seaclear system 2. Back in the day before I gave it to my cousin I used the wrong cleaning tools and scratched it up. So now that i have it back...
  15. hollywooddiver

    Tank set up questions

    well the things is the filter is a wet/dry built into the back of the tank. so there is no sump. here is a pic of the back of my tank.
  16. hollywooddiver

    Tank set up questions

    Ok so i am getting my 75g seaclear system 2 aquarium tonight. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas how i could run a refugium on this tank.
  17. hollywooddiver

    My 75g diary

    So i am way excited. My 75 is being driven down as we speak. I will have it tonight. Tomorrow will be the official set-up day. I am kinda bummed cause my reef lights got broken so i am gonna be using just regular light till everything gets going and I'm ready to add corals. So a couple months or...
  18. hollywooddiver

    breeding question

    yeah I dont know. was just wondering because i haven't heard about it. but oh well.
  19. hollywooddiver

    green clown goby wont eat

    Put copepods in your tank. I had the same issue with my clown goby. He wouldn't eat during the light cycle. He would eat the copepods at night when the lights were off. Also mine spits the food out but is actually sucking the meat out of the mysis shells. I thought the same but as I looked...
  20. hollywooddiver

    Hey!!!breeding B. Cardinals Help!!!

    Yeah only the big zip ties contain metal in them and the metal is fully enclosed in plastic. The size that contain metal would be way way too big for what is trying to be accomplished. The smaller zip ties don't contain metal. Yeah wont the styrofoam float?