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  1. ed r

    Cycle done already? That was week exactly..?

    Yes your tank has cycled. However, the biological filter is not ready to handle a large bioload. It developed just enough bacteria to handle the ammonia from the die-off. Give the tank a couple days to make sure the ammonia and nitrite stay at zero. Then slowly add hardy creatures. As you...
  2. ed r

    Crab and snail probs.

    I don't know that it should cause you to lose them, but I think most crabs and snails would do a lot better with a SG of 1.025 rather than 1.022. In fact I wouldn't even keep fish at that level for very long. You don't mention what your pH is. You would like it to be around 8.3 and stable...
  3. ed r

    Fiji Live Rock Question

    Fiji rock is heavier than Marshall Island, I believe. I used 50 lbs in my 55g and consider it sparsely populated with rock. I think the 200 lbs in a 180g sounds like good advice. Many other reefers who are not worried about keeping large open areas, go with up to 2 lbs per gallon. That is...
  4. ed r

    Regal Tang injured

    Very sorry to hear about your loss. It seems from what I read that large carpet anemonees are quite able to catch and kill many fish. Their sting is more severe, and they seem to actively try for the prey. Most other anemonees are just neighbors in the tank. Unless a fish blunders into them...
  5. ed r

    planning 55g reef

    Most people setting up reef tanks now are using Deep Sand Beds. A DSB means at least 4" of very fine sand (not crushed coral, that is too large and has too sharp of edges). My reef is a 55g. It takes a lot of sand to do it right. I put in 180 lbs of sand and ended up with a 5" depth. Don't...
  6. ed r

    Anemone vs. powerhead

    If I understand correctly, you have disconnected the plastic screening tube from the powerhead. That plastic piece is still on the tentacles, but there is no water movement dragging the anemonee into the pump? If this is the case, I would just leave the anemonee alone and let him withdraw from...
  7. ed r

    Lighting on reef aquarium??

    Definitely not anemonees, but you might get away with some mushrooms and polyp rocks. That is still a pretty low light level. Good luck with it.
  8. ed r


    Have you been watching the tangs closely, especially the sailfin? I recently purchased a small sailfin (1-1/4") assuming he would be no problem in my reef tank. That was a mistake. Perhaps some people have no trouble with sailfins, but mine ate all the pods on the surface of my sand bed and...
  9. ed r

    why all the diatoms?

    Debi, If your water is good (after trying 3 sources I would think one or more shoud be), changing 25-30% should not be a problem. It should be reducing the nutrient level because what you siphon out should have more than what you put back in. Is there any chance that the blooms are occurring...
  10. ed r

    Luxury Aluminum Powercompact

    I hope you have good luck with it, but it sounds too good to be true. Normally 4 bulbs will cost you more than $100, even buying through the internet suppliers. Did the fixture come with the bulbs for that price?
  11. ed r

    new tank readings

    Ammonia and nitrite must be zero and stay there before adding any creatures. It would be nice if the nitrate was also zero, but any low reading is probably ok. Keep any eye on it in case it rises. The pH should be between 8.1-8.4. If you can meet these conditions, it should be safe to slowly...
  12. ed r

    Problems with DSB

    I think DSBs are the best way to go if used properly. They are not going to be able to maintain the zero nitrate level in a heavily stocked fish-only tank. They will provide zero nitrate in a properly stocked reef tank. Too many people err by putting in sand sifting starfish and other fish...
  13. ed r

    CC and LS

    The crushed coral is not recommended for deep sand beds because of its large size and sharp edges. The best material for a DSB is very fine particle sand. The sharp edges on the CC can harm the critters that dwell in the sand. A functional DSB should not be stirred by the aquarist. Any...
  14. ed r

    Question on German and 4 pin PC lights

    I have the four pins in a row style for my JBJ fixture. I like them, but feel that they are not as commonly stocked by most LFS or mail order outlets. Because of that, they may cost a little more.
  15. ed r

    LS activator

    I bought their mix and match special. One of my choices was the live sand activator. I was very satisfied with it. At a quick glance, it is not too impressive as it looks like a small bag of cloudy water and sand. Watch closely and you will see a good number of critters that will help your...
  16. ed r

    CYCLE Q?

    The nitrite usually stays high longer than the ammonia. It needs to be down to zero and stay there for a week or more before proceeding to add anything. It is possible that the cured live rock will reduce your cycle time. Just be sure to test regularly and do not rush it.
  17. ed r

    Adding Live Sand

    For a DSB, the finer the sand the better. Can you use the coarse sand? Yes, but if you decide later that you want it out, it will be a very big job. Those of us that have recently removed CC are generally very careful not to add large sand particles. Good luck with it.
  18. ed r

    Water Temp

    That temperature should be fine for the truly tropical fish. Just be careful to not overcrowd them. Good water circulation helps as well.
  19. ed r

    What else to add?

    I didn't see where you identified the type of clowns you have. Tomatos and Maroons are very aggressive. Perculas and Ocellaris are not so bad. If you have the former, you are limited as to what can survive. The Yellow Tang is also very aggressive. In that size tank, you don't want to risk...
  20. ed r


    The timing depends upon the source of ammonia. Is it a continuing source or a one-time deal? Most people don't believe in using damsels any more because of the risk of killing them, but they would provide a continuous source of ammonia. If you put in uncured live rock, it would build up to a...