Search results

  1. ed r

    # of fish/gal?

    Bruce, I don't think most of the earlier posts meant to imply that the tank was in immediate jeopardy because of extreme overcrowding. I think those posts indicated that as the fish grew toward adulthood, the tank would not contain a safe/recommended amount of fish. You are welcome to voice...
  2. ed r

    180 gal tank price

    I would check LFS's and PetsMarts (no not for fish) for prices of new ones. $500 sounds like a lot to me for a used tank. If you do buy it, be very clear in advance about whether there is any guarantee in case it leaks when first set up. I doubt anyone would guarantee it for a period of time...
  3. ed r

    When did they change the BB??

    I think the change is great. I used to get frustrated waiting for threads to open, etc. I would end up leaving the sight many times, because I did not have all night to check for the latest postings. This is so much better and very much appreciated.
  4. ed r

    Hippo Tang

    That type of tang will often lie on its side or lean against the glass. If he is not actually rubbing or scratching, he may be perfectly healthy. This behavior is not common for other tangs and can scare new owners who shudder at the thought of a fish lying on a rock or the sand. Give him a...
  5. ed r

    # of fish/gal?

    I think you missed 4" inches of Blue Damsels when you added your current total. That aside, I agree with the comments of the other posters. While currently the fish should be ok in your tank, the adult sizes would be too crowded. Yellow tailed blue damsels only get to about 2+ inches, but the...
  6. ed r

    maroon clown ?

    I believe most people used Bubble Tips or Long Tentacle anemonees for Maroons, with Bubble Tips being most common. I hope you have very good lighting, water conditions, and a well established tank. These anemonees are fortunately among the hardiest for keeping in aquariums, but they still need...
  7. ed r

    how much water should i save???

    Depending upon what you do with the substrate or DSB, it should be pretty easy to save 75%. Then when you set it up in the new location, you have just done a good 25% water change. By saving most of the water, there should be less stress and acclimation required of the animals.
  8. ed r

    pipe organ coral looking ill

    Do you do anything to try to keep algae off of the honey-combed structure? I use my turkey baster on it if I see diatom growth or any other junk on it. Has it been growing and adding to the structure size and number of polyps? Has the current in the area changed? Any creatures in the tank...
  9. ed r

    Do I take the plunge to corals

    If your lighting is normal output, I believe 48" bulbs are 40w and 36" ones are 30w. This would mean you have 4-30w bulbs for a total of 120w on a 125g tank. This would be considered a low level of lighting. Most people recommend lighting in the 4 watts per gallon level and up. However, some...
  10. ed r

    Do I take the plunge to corals

    I think what you describe sounds more like one of the button polyps. Some of these have green centers or fringes. The green star polyps have a small center and longer (1/2") tentacles.
  11. ed r

    message board

    Did you look up your name in the member list? I tried that and found that my username was my signature name. I would have sworn that was not the case before, but perhaps my memory is failing. Anyway, using the correct username (according to their list) solved my login problem.
  12. ed r

    initial cycle help plz

    When your tank has fully cycled, you should have zero ammonia and nitrite. Anyone who tells you expect continuing low levels of ammonia is suspect in the advice department. I would think that your adding the live rock in stages is causing new spurts of ammonia. Only fully cured live rock...
  13. ed r

    fresh water on coral

    If the rock was only briefly (seconds to a minute or two) exposed to the hose, I would not worry about it. If it was sitting in freshwater for fifteen minutes, I would think it may need to cure again.
  14. ed r

    Do I take the plunge to corals

    What wattage is your flourescent lighting? That will probably be the limiting factor on what you can expect to be successful with. Some corals are pretty hardy, if you are careful and keep the fish load and type of fish appropriate. Mushrooms, polyps, and soft corals such as leathers are...
  15. ed r


    I bought five or six before I heard about the problems and complaints of others. Unfortunately, I find the complaints to be justified. They are nice while they work. However, there is very poor longevity. I have had two different pumps stop sweeping during the first day. None of my pumps...
  16. ed r


    How long were the snails in there? How were they acclimated if new? Any creatures that could be picking on them? What were all of your water test results? Perfect water does not kill snails. Probably no one has perfect water. The tests you ran may have had good results, but perhaps you did...
  17. ed r

    Diatom Algae everywhere! Ready for clean up crew yet?

    What amount and type of lighting do you have. If the lighting is good, I would keep the lights on for normal hours. I would also use a turkey baster to blow the diatoms off of the rocks. This will allow the corline algae to progress and keep the diatoms off. Do you have enough water flow in...
  18. ed r

    Attack of the killer eel!

    I have had three different snowflakes in past years and never had one pay any attention to live fish. In fact, I had fish that would come up to the eel and whip the eel in the face with their tail. The eel always retreated. If I was guessing, I would say the fish died or was killed by...
  19. ed r

    New Tank

    Most people either do no water changes during the cycle process or do a few small ones. I did three 10% changes during the two weeks my tank took to cycle. The argument against changes is that they lower the ammonia level and can make the cycle take longer. The argument for changes is that...
  20. ed r

    New Tank

    What size of tank is it? 25 lbs is good for a small tank (20-30g), but not much in a bigger tank. In regards to your question about prewashing the rock, no. If there are sponges, pick them off because they will die anyway. They will just increase the ammonia level during the cycle. Some...