Search results

  1. haze123

    Sea Snakes!!!!!!!

    I know this sounds wrong but I would take all the other fish out or anything you wanna keep out that tank and just poisine the hell out of the tank and kill the basterd. I know it sounds wrong but I would rather live then die even if it ment that animails life. lol but hey thats just me.
  2. haze123

    Guess that fish! Just some fun.

    wow what is that
  3. haze123


    Ok Ive been doing my reading on these cool creatures and I really like to do a 20 gallon seahorse tank just for fun. I probley wont start this project for another 6 months sence I would like to collect as much info on them as I can before I start trying to keep them. So if any one has any info...
  4. haze123

    A Bubble On My Hammer ??

    haha I think it looks cool but thats just me.
  5. haze123

    mandrine question

    I go with jobob if its 10 bucks try and save the poor fish. its a 50 50 chance but hey you never know.
  6. haze123

    painting pvc?

    Dont do it. Paints cause have some bad ass toxicins in it. I do finishing on cars for a living and I can tell you if I have to wear a mask wile I paint lol I dont think you wanna put it in your tank. lol if that mad any sence? You should try and go to a hardware store and tell them what your...
  7. haze123

    Can I get an Angler?

    I wouldnt do it. Just for the fact Ive been reading up on them alot latley and Ive been really intrested in getting one as well. There easly stressed out and when stressed they wont eat and they die so the stuff I read said you should only try and put them in tanks by them selfs or with others...
  8. haze123

    I know this is salwater but I couldnt help my self....

    haha yeah my kid picked out some crazy stuff for decor in the that tank. but its only a 10 gallon tank the puffers are only a inch and there in there with a black and marble mollie and they all get alot fine. Ive had the puffers for a little wile now and I havent had a problem.
  9. haze123

    I need something that eats flatworms!

    you should take a look at some of the fish here on the this site that are for sale and check out there diets just to give you a idea. I know theres tons of fish that eat them damn worms you just gotta find the right one.
  10. haze123

    Humu and other fish

    I havent gotten my tank yet I have all the parts I need I just need my 75 gallon tank
  11. haze123

    One of my fish died.

    hey man I use to work at ***** im going to tell you right now dont buy saltwater fish from them. The people that worked at the petcos I worked at didnt know anything about saltwater fish and the fish were treated poorly. So you probley just got a fish that was hella stressed from the store. IM...
  12. haze123

    Humu and other fish

    Ok am really knew to the saltwater part of keeping fish but in the next few weeks am going to be getting my tank and what not. I hear that Humus do good in 75 gallon tanks so is that a good size or smaller ? I cant go to big my dad is getting kinda pissy for the fact I know have 5 tanks in the...
  13. haze123

    I know this is salwater but I couldnt help my self....

    So the other day I got a hold of fresh water dawf puffers and I know this is a saltwater board but I had to show them off some where :)
  14. haze123

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    wow I wish I had 5,000 dollars to blow around on saltwater tanks. I hope when I start my first Saltwater Tank in the next few months it doesnt cost me over 500 : im still messing around with brackish water fish.
  15. haze123

    What to feed a Lionfish

    hey I use the HatchNFeeder from SF Bay brand and it works great. All you have to do is get those pre mixed packets and mix it with kinda warm water and fill the top part with water. what ill do some times to make them hatch is leave a light on in the room and put the hatchery right under the...
  16. haze123

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Lawnmower Blennys are awseme fish. looks good.
  17. haze123

    Check out my setup

    looks dope! I hope mine rock looks that good when I get it. Is that one of the nano cubes? witch size one is it?
  18. haze123

    Cowfish Longhorn

    hey whats up every one? Ive been looking into many diffrent types of saltwater fish for about 8 months now and the Cowfish really seems like a cool intresting fish but every one says they are hard to keep. I wanted to see if any one else on this site has had any luck with this fish and can give...
  19. haze123

    29 gal pictures

    SusiesTank hey your in townson? lol I live like 30 minutes from you in columbia.
  20. haze123

    background and canopy paint?

    krylon spray paint is dope. I use to be a graffiti writter back in the day and it sticks to just about anything but watch out if your useing a dark color like black or dark blue, it can be very thin in dark colors. If you use Krylon spray paint try and use lighter colors or do very thing cotes...