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  1. haze123

    Live stock orders from

    yeah when I worked at ***** we had are fish shipped the same way these guys do it and they were fine. You just have to give them a few days and relax and feel good in there new tank
  2. haze123

    Outer Banks Vacation Photos

    nice man my Cuz lives down there with his soon to be wife. Hes a Parmetic. its nice down there, nice pics
  3. haze123

    I must be crazy... How can I find a Mantis Shrimp?

    you can buy them off this site if you go and click on inverts
  4. haze123

    Hermit Question

    could be a Hawaiian Zebra Hermit they sell them on this site. look them up under the inverts page and compare it with the picture they have of one on this web site.
  5. haze123

    green bubble tip anemone

    just make sure you have the strong lighting as well to make sure its getting enough food threw its light sorce as well but it doesnt sound bad just give it time.
  6. haze123

    Giant Maroon Just Bout Dead

    its looks like what fresh water fish get called hole in the head. it looks just like it but it doesnt sound like it in your cause and im not sure about marine fish getting it.
  7. haze123

    Purple Tang: Pop-eye and bloated Beth: Please Advise

    it looks like the fish has a air bubble in it, as if the fish swolled a bunch of air and cant remove it from its body. but thats just me
  8. haze123

    Seahorse are in!!!!

    I would love to do a seahorse and pipe fish tank that would be dope
  9. haze123

    emerald crab

    sounds like hes molting
  10. haze123

    snowflake eal not eating?

    hey im sorry to hear that. You should try and go to one of the live fish stores in your area and get some live gosht shrimp and see if that gets him to start eating. If that doesnt work try that garlic stuff that you put on fish food some times it does the job.
  11. haze123


    I wanna get a few of them when I get my tank up and running. How hard is it for you to care for them?
  12. haze123

    Stray Voltage?

    they should sell them on this site or sites like this that sell fish stuff. I would love to put a link to it on here for you but I cant in fear I will be deleated. :(
  13. haze123

    found something

    does it look like any of these????
  14. haze123

    I found something weird!

    see if you can get a picture of it
  15. haze123

    Skimmers for nanos

    hey Susies your in Townson? lol I dont live far from that place. I was just up there a few months ago my band played the big break show for HFS at the Recher. Hit me up sometime on AIM.
  16. haze123

    what floor is your tank on

    I would think of it like this. If you have a frigearater (spelling), a stove, couchs and chairs, a big tv and a stand for it. I think if it can hold that stuff they why couldnt it hold your tank.
  17. haze123

    Skimmers for nanos

    thanks every one I guess ill go with out a skimmer and see how I do
  18. haze123

    Skimmers for nanos

    Ok so I wanna try and set up I guess a 10 gallon tank. Now for you guys that have done this do you guys use a skimmer or no? I will have inverts in there as well as corals. I dont know what kinda fish to add yet but im doing my resurce and looking at your guys pics to see what you have going on...
  19. haze123

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    its a type of Goby. You can tell by looking at it and from how it acts from what you said. Its not a lawnmower those are blennys. I dont know the ID for this fish but im sure some one else on here would. good luck it looks cool.
  20. haze123

    Puffer with inverts?

    I would say no sence inverts are what puffers eat. but some one on here might have a diffrent idea