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  1. northern_reefer

    My New Queen Trigger

    Nice looking queen, how big is it?
  2. northern_reefer


    I don't think you have to worry yet. Triggers get extremely skinny before they will starve. The eye injury could be from the net when you bought the undulate. Keep trying to offer food and keep water quality high. There is a good possibility that you undulate will be alright.
  3. northern_reefer


    my undulate is really shy. It won't eat if I'm in the same room. The first 2 weeks I had her she would only come out at night and before I turned the light on in the morning. How does your triggers body look? Is it sucked in? Is the entire eye cloudy or just spots? both eyes?
  4. northern_reefer

    young clown trigger?

    the coloration of clown triggers changes as they mature. check out the variation in the clown trigger photos at this website
  5. northern_reefer

    zebra Moray EEL

    I feed my zebra tiger prawns and squid. Here is a picture of it taking a tiger prawn from my triggers
  6. northern_reefer

    Titan Trigger? LFS has one...

    I had a blackedge eel until he escaped in a tank with a titan, a clown trigger, and a niger trigger and the eel owned the tank. The clown trigger and the niger shared the same cave as the eel. If it is possible for your eels to eat a clown trigger I would not buy the titan. My clown trigger...
  7. northern_reefer

    most aggressive trigger

    my undulated trigger is scary aggressive
  8. northern_reefer

    Just wondering

    I hope mine gets that big!:)
  9. northern_reefer

    Cleaner shrimp spawning pictures

    thanks for the clarification
  10. northern_reefer

    Cleaner shrimp spawning pictures

    here is a picture of the tiny fry. They don't look much like cleaner shrimp.
  11. northern_reefer

    Cleaner shrimp spawning pictures

    I thought it was really cool to watch a cleaner shrimp release it's fry into the tank. I wish I could raise the fry. Picture of the shrimp distributing fry
  12. northern_reefer

    Just wondering

    He's growing amazingly fast. I've had him a month and he is almost twice as big as when I bought him. His sides are getting really dark. My lfs sold it to me as a starry from indo-pacific for $20 still in the shipping bag. It has glowing green eyes like the big titan. I'm not sure because...
  13. northern_reefer

    Just wondering

    That's the best picture of a starry trigger I have ever seen. I have a little trigger that was sold to me as a starry at the lfs but it is either a yellow-faced or a titan. Not sure, need some other opinions
  14. northern_reefer

    Just wondering

    My big clown trigger actually eats more than the titan trigger. I feed them squid, krill, brine shrimp, tiger prawns, blood worms, algae on a clip, and an occasional feeder fish.
  15. northern_reefer

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    I have this baby trigger 1.5" that I can't decide if it is a titan or a yellow faced. If it is a titan I would be willing to sell him because I have another titan. As the little trigger grows it gets darker in color and becomes more aggressive. When I bought this litte guy I put him in with...
  16. northern_reefer

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    I have a 6.5" titan that I keep with a 6" clown trigger in a 170G tank. The titan is amazingly rugged. It flips and drags anything smaller than a baseball in search of food. I got mine from my lfs. It took about 6 months before one was on their suppliers list. I have seen them at two places...
  17. northern_reefer

    feeding 15in snowflake

    My zebra is 36" and I feed him tiger prawns and squid from the grocery store. He eats the equivalent of two large tiger prawns every other day. I have two 12" green eels in the same tank as the zebra and they eat one large tiger prawn cut in pieces every two days. It seems that a sne would be...
  18. northern_reefer

    Just wondering

    another of the titan