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  1. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by giants4pc Here's mine... I love your rock work!!! great job :cheer: :jumping:
  2. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by feixjai wow nice rockwork everyone! heres mines Awesome corals!!!! :cheer:
  3. jelezoglo

    ???SWF Lingo Help???

    I am a newby myself but here are a few: FOWLR- Fish only with live rock DSB- Deep sand bed IMO- in my opinion RO/DI- Reverse osmosis/ Deionized water( good water) LFS- Local fish store MH- Metal Halide LS- Live sand LR- live rock CC- crushed coral RR- Reef ready RBTA- Rose bubble tip anemone...
  4. jelezoglo

    Starting a 5 gl coral nano

    Thanks.....I thought so....How long before I put up some corals and what do you guys recommend.....I have a 65 gl ( typo on the previous post) FOWLR, and want to have the 5 gl to try to learn a little about corals before I take the plunge on my display tank.....
  5. jelezoglo

    Starting a 5 gl coral nano

    Do I need to cycle a 5 gl if I get the water sand and l/r from my 75gl???
  6. jelezoglo

    How often should I test my water and what to test????

    Thanks.....I tested for everything today....that is probably why I got some funky readings...The tank has been up for 3 months now so I guess I'll test every week....
  7. jelezoglo

    How often should I test my water and what to test????

    I just bought a Nutrafin master test kit and am sooooo confused.... :notsure: . I have tests for: PH- High 7.4-8.6 PH- Low 6.0-7.6 Fe no2 no3 nh3/nh4 ca gh kh po4 We have a 65 gl with 120 lbs of lr, 50 lbs of live sand and: coral beauty 2 percs red spotted goby 1 fire shrimp 1 cleaner...
  8. jelezoglo

    Difference between a sump and refugium???

    pretty cool, thanks
  9. jelezoglo

    Difference between a sump and refugium???

    that makes you actually have any livestock on a refugium???? rock, sand???
  10. jelezoglo

    Difference between a sump and refugium???

    I know this probably sound stupid but I have no idea of what is a sump and a refugium. I know they are not displays, but I wanted to know the use for both.....
  11. jelezoglo

    Boxing crabs and its anemones

    anyone???? bump!!!
  12. jelezoglo

    Boxing crabs and its anemones

    Do the anemones survive without special lighting???
  13. jelezoglo

    Beginer questions

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Ah, Tropic Marin! You can't get any better than that. That is why your calcium is so ideal. That is definitely the best salt out there, hands down. Well, unfortunately, only having one bulb will not allow you to move your tank onto corals. It will also not...
  14. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by arsen_36 yeah i totally agree. very nice look but no room fro corals except the sand bed. I have a FOWLR but plan to add corals when I get a little more experience, I'll keep that in mind
  15. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    tons of caves ***) ***)
  16. jelezoglo

    29 gallon stocking list

    I really like the painted fairy has awesome color, but I think it is not invert safe. Then again I am not an expert, so I might be wrong.....
  17. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by sombra7740 100 gallon 85# LR That looks awesome....good job
  18. jelezoglo

    whats a fish thats eye catching like a blue hippo tang?

    I love the painted fairy wrasse
  19. jelezoglo

    Ideas for 10 gallon?

    Have you guys seen this thread???? He is doing the same thing there.
  20. jelezoglo

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    will do, thanks