Search results

  1. slammy16

    Percula and Maroon ??

    I have my first Clown its a False Percula, I mainly got him/her for my wife she thinks hes so cute. I on the other hand love the Gold Striped Maroon. My question is, can i put a maroon in with the percula without fighting? THe Percula is only about 1.5 inches long and i have my eye on a...
  2. slammy16

    2 Questions about some Clowns & Hermits

    Ok, Just added some new guys a 1 False Percula and 6 red leg hermits and 3 Turbo snails. These are the first things i have put in there. First question: My wife loves the clown fish, I do to but, my favorite is the gold stripe maroon clown. Now is it ok to add the maroon to the tank...
  3. slammy16

    Green spotted puffer

    ITs like inbetween fresh and salt water.
  4. slammy16

    Dwarf Angels

    I havent bought any yet but was considering what fish to put in my tank. I really like the Flame Angel and the Coral Beauty. Is it possilbe to have them both? Under there bio on this website it says to keep 1 per tank, now is that for 2 of the same species or ALL dwarf angels.
  5. slammy16

    Green spotted puffer

    A firend of mine had a green spotted puffer. He bought him thinking he was a saltwater fish, he had him in a tank with a Blue line Trigger. He prabably had him for over year with no problems he fed him krill. The Trigger would boss him around a little bit but, they seemed to be fine...
  6. slammy16

    Lighting Patterns

    Dont know if this is the "correct" way but, Here is what i do. I set my blue lights to come on around 11am then my bright white lights at 12noon then i have my white lights turn off at 10pm and then my blue turn off at 11pm. I just have a couple fish in my tank so i dont know if you have...
  7. slammy16

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Our tanks are about the same age. Mine is a 72gal and i will be at 2 weeks on monday and my ammonia has never gone over .5 .. I dont have near the green algae you have my LR did turn a nice brown for a while but is starting to clear up. I just have a little nitrates thats it. Tank is a steady...
  8. slammy16

    Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis

    well as of now they belong to me, but "technically there still his" He knew i was on this website and i have had my tank for a few weeks now with nothing in it, so he wanted me to put the word out and hold them. He is buying a tank from somebody that has everything all included and ready to go...
  9. slammy16

    Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis

    Puffer .. he keeps movin on me...
  10. slammy16

    Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis

    Blue Line Trigger
  11. slammy16

    picture of the THING

    are you talking about the last picture or the first 2.
  12. slammy16

    Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis

    I am holding 2 fish for my firend who is buying a established reef tank. He has a blue lined trigger about 5 inches long. The puffer is from what i can tell a yellow leopard puffer about 3 inches long. I am going to be using my tank as a reef tank so i dont want these 2 for very long...
  13. slammy16

    Any ideas what it was?

    Dont know but, i have heard some people talk about mantis like creatures that move real fast.
  14. slammy16

    picture of the THING

    another view
  15. slammy16

    picture of the THING

    ok here it goes first picture post. What in the world is this thing, it doesnt move much if at all that i have seen. When the lights are out in seems to kinda deflate or look dehydrated. its in a hole in the LR. any help here.
  16. slammy16

    Sorry this is off the subject

    well i figured it out and the site i guess is down it is having technical problems... i got this picture of this THING.. its weird .. as soon as i can i will post it. 'thanks for the hlep
  17. slammy16

    Sorry this is off the subject

    Could someone tell me how to reduce the size of a picture so i could post it. thanks...
  18. slammy16

    Tank one week in

    Ya My ultimate goal is to have it a reef tank just trying to find the patients... its hard not to put things in yet...
  19. slammy16

    Tank one week in

    Thanks that helps.. not exactly what i wanted to hear but thanx anyway. Did a little reading on them, Pepperming shrimp or red leg hermit crabs i read would "possibly" take care of them. There are only 3-4 that i see but theres also alot of space i cant see. thanks again
  20. slammy16

    Tank one week in

    My tank has now been cycling for one week now, I have noticed several new things in there, a few i can figure out what it is or whatever. However there are 2 things im having trouble figuring them out. 1. Its in a few spots throughout the LR a red fan like thing kinda like a featherduster...