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  1. slammy16

    what about these coralife aqualights?

    Not for what i want to do. There are some that i saw from Corallife Coralife Aqualight pro HQI 48" metal halide PC fixture.. i think i saw that at almost $600. That is something like what i will try to get here in the next year or so.
  2. slammy16

    what about these coralife aqualights?

    YOu need metal halide lamps for those. Im new at this to so dont take my word as gospel but, i have asked similar questions.
  3. slammy16

    what about these coralife aqualights?

    I have lights similar to those and i was told soft corals and anemones only no hard corals or clams.
  4. slammy16

    Is it ok to ..

    kewl... I had read somewhere on these boards to scrub and clean your LR and i kept thinking man... i didnt do any of that and its been in my tank now for almost a week. I do have a couple featherdusters that i guess hitched a ride they seem to be doing ok, I also put in 1 shrimp to get...
  5. slammy16

    Is it ok to ..

    I purchased my LR the same time i bought my tank and sand etc.. Is it ok to not really clean off the LR before putting it in the tank? It had been in the store for a while, I cant be positive on how long all of it had but pretty sure that it was for a decent ammount of time. I just...
  6. slammy16

    Tank for Yellow Tang

    Is a 72bf to small for one tang... i like the yellow and the blue rim tang.
  7. slammy16

    Misc. Stuff F/S In S. Fl.

    i will take the uv sterilizer if sale falls through. let me know
  8. slammy16

    another dumb question

    Im weeks away from this but, i cant seem to stop thinking about my tank and what im going to have in it. When you get mushrooms and anemones and soft corals how do you exactly place them in your tank? Do they come attached to small rock already or do you like glue them down or do you just put...
  9. slammy16

    when i add clean up crew

    Once my tank is done cycling i was looking at clean up crews first before i added my first fish. I have a 72g tank i was looking on this website and they have a package for 55-100 gal tanks clean up crews... Is this to many things to add at one time its like 40 hermit crabs 5 emerald crabs 20...
  10. slammy16

    thing on LR ?

    yes it does look similar to that very much smaller, the markings on the " feathers" look like there about in the same spot as this. Is this common for these to be attached to LR. Just put it in on Monday not sure how long it had been at lfs but, he had it in a big huge tub of water.
  11. slammy16

    thing on LR ?

    Thats ok... as long as im not getting negative responses it think everything will be fine. Thanks for trying
  12. slammy16

    thing on LR ?

    dosent look like that... Its really bland and boring except for the little fingers which are whiteish in color its stuck to the rock like its been there for a while.
  13. slammy16

    thing on LR ?

    This might be a easy question. I started cycling my tank on monday and i never really noticed until last night this thing on my LR. IT is only about 1 1/2" or so long its brown and is round in shape out of the end of it these feather duster looking fingers come out Sometimes it retracts them...
  14. slammy16

    Drowning right from the beginning

    ya just remember to suck the air out of the u shaped tube not the water:hilarious
  15. slammy16

    Drowning right from the beginning

    Dont know if this will help but, a buddy and i were setting up my tank and we had to get a syphon started we had trouble for about 45 min. I kept spittin out salt water and thinking this is rediculous how could they make you do this. But then we read the directions a little more carefully and...
  16. slammy16

    Current USA PowerCompact Orbit Fixtures?????

    I have the PC 48" i just started in this i asked the same question the other day . Everyone said soft corals and anemones but no clams. I was on a website the other day and it had the MH version for the 48" for almsot double what i payed for the PC unit. THe man in the lfs said i could have...
  17. slammy16

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    My tank is about the same age 2-3 days. I havent been running the lights almost at all.. in the evening i put them on for about 2-3 hrs then no lights and havent got any stuff like that. Or should i be using my lights as if there were corals fish etc,... in there with the LR and LS?
  18. slammy16

    Cycles what to do what not to

    OK, well then i have another request... What brand or what kind of Test Kit should one buy. I havent bought one yet thinking i didnt need to test it for a few weeks yet. Any recommendations?
  19. slammy16

    Cycles what to do what not to

    Thanks alot
  20. slammy16

    Cycles what to do what not to

    ok im a little thick headed... Do i understand you as saying if i leave it how it is i should be fine in a few weeks...