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  1. aldog51

    Newbie Sponge Question

    Sure you can if your tank is at least 6 months old.
  2. aldog51

    Newbie Sponge Question

    I hope you don't plan on adding any coral to your setup with the Chocolate Chip Star in ther, they are not reef safe and will if hungry enough eat coral. I had to get rid of mine.
  3. aldog51

    Sliming Corals?????

    There is this thread like slime hanging on my corals throughout the tank. What the hell is it? This is the second time in the past month they do this.
  4. aldog51

    Refugium Lighting????

    Thanks for the tip Kip!!
  5. aldog51

    Refugium Lighting????

    Should I keep the refugium lughting on round the clock or cycle the same way as my reef tank? (10-12 hour of light a day average for my reef)
  6. aldog51


    I think it is good but you can get something comparable and much cheaper on ----.
  7. aldog51

    Candy Cane and Mushroom

    They will be fine.
  8. aldog51

    Chocolate Chip Star????

    I just read that they are not reef safe and I have had mine for over a year now. Although he did take a chunk out of my open brain coral once. Should I get rid of him?? I hat eto part with it but what I read scared me.
  9. aldog51

    Skimmer Question

  10. aldog51

    Finally installed my Fuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the article!
  11. aldog51

    Skimmer Question

    Got a berlin type skimmer in my fuge. I have had it running approximately 8 hours or so but no foam yet. Is this normal? I hae a 275GPH pump on it with 2 venturi jet nozzle on the intake. Also it has a venturi hole in back of it where tubing can be placed to alow for air. Ther is a ton of air in...
  12. aldog51

    Finally installed my Fuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oops forgot the pic!!
  13. aldog51

    Finally installed my Fuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    After 2 long weeks of planning and replanning I finaaly installe an above tank Refugium. I can't believe how well it works my Nitrates dropped to 0 PPM. I am using Miracle Mud for the substrate and added some live rock and caulerpa. Also installed an Via Aqua CC25 chiller to keep my temp...
  14. aldog51

    Finally installed a Fuge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    After 2 long weeks of planning and replanning I finaaly installe an above tank Refugium. I can't believe how well it works my Nitrates dropped to 0 PPM. I am using Miracle Mud for the substrate and added some live rock and caulerpa. Also installed an Via Aqua CC25 chiller to keep my temp...
  15. aldog51

    Sand Sifter Goby

    Yeah i know he is doing his job but all my live rock is covered in sediment now.. kinda sux!!
  16. aldog51


    I just received my new refractometer and my salinity read 1.025 and my plastic hydrometer used to read 1.023, is this a safe level for my reef setup with about 9 fish ( 1 Yellow Tang, 3 Damsels, 1 ClownFish, 2 dart fish, 1 Coral beauty, 1 sand sifter)
  17. aldog51

    Sand Sifter Goby

    HEEEELLLLLLPPPP!!! I got a sand sifter two days ago and he is sifting all over my 54G, my water has been filled with sediment ever since from the sand. Will this go away in time?? Or will it be a nuisance forever?
  18. aldog51

    Sand Sifter Goby

    HEEEELLLLLLPPPP!!! I got a sand sifter two days ago and he is sifting all over my 54G, my water has been filled with sediment ever since from the sand. Will this go away in time?? Or will it be a nuisance forever?
  19. aldog51

    White stuff growing, what is it

    It is what we call a glass anemone or aiptasia. Read from this link: .Deleted. No website posting to other boards and advertizments and it will tell you exactly what they are and how bad are they
  20. aldog51


    I bought a sump style refugium and I saw a post that said that if the output pump gets clogged or stops working then there can be a disaster. Is that a rare occurence or is it a big problem?