Search results

  1. bettym

    Let's see your PURPLE LOBSTER!!!

    I just love these lil guy's!!!! I have one but no pic's of mine.He only comes out when we feed also.But he goes to the back.I will have to try to get a pic.TFS!!!!
  2. bettym

    ? about Formalin and FAQ

    In the FAQ it says 20 drops per gal but on my box its says 2 drop per gal and it is the same stuff as the pic.I just want to make sure the box is right and if the FAQ has a typo.Anyone know the answer? Formalin Bath [hr] In a separate dedicated container fill with water from your display...
  3. bettym

    Any intrest in my 75 gallon? Austin TX area.

    I have a 55gal,40breeder,33 cube,30hex and a 40 stretch hex which was $247.00 at ***** I picked up.I am looking for a 75 gal.I live 3 hours away and can drive to meet you.Let me know if
  4. bettym

    Advice needed with my Lyretail Anthias.

    About 2 week's.We thought she would start eating the flake's and she never has.We have had several other fish who would not eat the flakes at first and then start.So we thought she would.Is there something different I shoulld try?Thank's for replying!!!
  5. bettym

    Advice needed with my Lyretail Anthias.

    Ok,here is what I need advice on.I have a 75gl and all of my test are good.I have several fish and all are doing great and fat.I have Lyretail Anthias which I love.She eat's but slow.She will only eat Mysis shrimp but that is it.We also feed flake's{Tetra Marine Flake's the rainbow blend}.She...
  6. bettym


    O,another thing is we have green long hair algea growing and some more algea also.Other than the lawnmower is there something else to take care of this{fish wise}?That is one reason we wanted a lawnmower so bad.And beside's they are so cute .
  7. bettym


    Thank's Beth and Lion! What would you suggest that we get then :thinking: ?We have a 75gl with about 80lbs or lr.We have a 10gl qt/hospital tank. 1 serpent star 1Maroon clown ?# of crab's ?# of snail's. It seem's everytime we decide we want something we can't get it. What is the min that you...
  8. bettym


  9. bettym


    I have read about this but just want to make sure I have this right.Ok,I have a 10gl qt tank with a power head,heater.Is this all I need or do I need one of this waterfall filter's that go on the back{like freshwater}? Another question....I will be putting a small lawnmower blenny in there.Do I...
  10. bettym

    What to add?

    We have a 75gl with 85 or 90 lbs of lr..About 2 in ls.We have a 1serpent star,1 white stripe maroon,crab's,snail's,1 peppermint shrimp.The question is I would like to have lawnmower blenny scooter blenny mandrin and some sort of ray if it will go in my tank.Can you put a ray in a 75?And do...
  11. bettym

    Low salt content in our main tank....

    Well,I know that we added salt cause it was our first time to ever do when we got the tank home and check it there was no slt then.We thought the thing was broke.Cause we are sooooo new to this.Well now we are woundering what was going on cause we found out something's that the guy...
  12. bettym

    Low salt content in our main tank....

  13. bettym

    Low salt content in our main tank....

    Yep, you are following......I just took another reading.My qt tank =1.021 and my main tank is 1.017{barely}and in my clean trash can where I have my salt mixed up it is1.020.I will have to try to take a sample tomm.I live 40 mile's from the nearest fish store.What can I do to get it up and why...
  14. bettym

    Low salt content in our main tank....

    Ok,here is a run down.We just got this used tank on last monday.We used the water that came out and all.Well when we get it home and started running all the test on it and the salt wasn't even showing up.So we thought the thing wasa broke....until we mixed our own salt up for a water change and...
  15. bettym

    Clownfish with ick?

    I guess I will go ahead and set up a hospital tank.Can someone at least please tell me if PimaFix antifungal med will work?If not what do I need?I live 40 mile's from a pet store.I realy want to save this lil guy.Do I need to put my starfish in there also?
  16. bettym

    Clownfish with ick?

    I woke up this morn to see a few spot's on my perc clownfish.I have a 75gl and it has a starfish,snail's,crab's.I was woundering do I need to take im out to qt him?All I have is a 10gl.Would this be fine for him?How long do I treat him?How do I set up the tank for qt?I am sorry for so many...
  17. bettym

    Post Pics of your Wrasse!

    I don't have any BUT would love to see some.
  18. bettym

    Pics of my 30g> comments please!

    Look's GREAT!!!! Thank's for sharing!
  19. bettym

    Long Tentacle Anemone

    Ok,thank's.Do you know if my light's would be good for anything?We are planning on getting a new lighting system but it will be awhile.
  20. bettym

    Long Tentacle Anemone

    75 gal