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  1. drummerboy

    Harley vs The Tank update

    The whole reason I got into this tank thing is because of a woman! I dated someone for almost three years, had the ring for her finger, all she could talk about was getting married. Next thing I know she's cheating on me with a guy at work. I stayed with her for a couple weeks after that, I...
  2. drummerboy


    I'm full time student, working on my philosophy undergrad. Plan on getting masters and doctrite to teach philosophy at college level. Going to be in school forever!!! I have like 8 more years left, so no 4000 gallon tanks for me in the near future. :D
  3. drummerboy

    can u post some pics of your tank

    Man predator, that is a beautiful tank, I like the way it's set up a lot. That way you have four fronts! I'm just going to have to stick with my 29 gallon until I get out of college, but once I get my own house I'm building myself a tank like that!
  4. drummerboy

    Quick question about shipping

    Hey thanks, I just wanted to make sure my precious shrimp weren't lost in the fed-ex system or something. :D
  5. drummerboy

    Quick question about shipping

    I ordered a ubuild it kit from this site last monday night, I finally got the confirmation email today. But even this late at night, fedex does not claim to have any shipment by the tracking number they gave me. Has anyone else had problems with this? Is pretty good with getting thier...
  6. drummerboy

    Clam looking thing?

    Can't afford a digital camera along with this hobby :D , so no pic I'm afraid. Yeah, it has to have some way to sense light, and I would think with the way it moves that it has to have legs, but I can't see either. I've decided to switch from cc to sand though, so I'm going to yank it out...
  7. drummerboy


    Did you happen to buy a cpr bakpak 2 "R"? The r stands for reef, and I know they eliminated the biobale in order to keep nitrates down. Is it just a sponge at the bottom to keep the bubbles where they belong? I have a bakpak with biobale, and it still doesn't cause the nitrates to be to high...
  8. drummerboy

    4000 Gallons tank

    Nope, nothing on sale (suprise <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" /> ?), I never liked that store either, the guy was always a jerk to me. He attemped to charge me $5 for entering the store and not buying anything. He was serious too. They did have some nice...
  9. drummerboy

    Old question, new idea

    Thanks for your imput kelly, you're right I think that the live rock I have will probably do a better job of seeding the sand. I think part of my hope was that if I left some of the cc in (not sure I could ever get it all out anyway), that I wouldn't have to buy as much sand (I'm a college...
  10. drummerboy

    4000 Gallons tank

    I think I'm going to go check out the one on 44 and eastern today. I usually go to VI pets, the owner there (I'm pretty sure he's the owner), has been very helpful to me, and so far hasn't tried to sell me a whole bunch of stuff I don't necessarily need. But they have a limited selection on...
  11. drummerboy

    Clam looking thing?

    The second picture does look a little bit like it. I still find it hard to believe that it'd be so mobile though. If I do decide to switch to a sand bed today, it's gonna get pulled out of it's home when I take the live rock out.
  12. drummerboy

    Old question, new idea

    Ok, I'm going to ask a question that has been beat to death already, and I don't want to bore you guys, but I have a little bit of a different idea (I think, I'm sure others have done it though). I would like to change from crushed coral to sand. I have a very deep cc bed, (about four inches)...
  13. drummerboy

    Clam looking thing?

    I'm guessing since you have quite a few that they're not harmful to your tank. I'm just wondering since I know where it is right now, I think I can get to it with a pair of tweezers. Should I pull it out while I can still see it? I just don't want it to end up being like a mantis shrip or...
  14. drummerboy

    Clam looking thing?

    Ok, this is going to sound like the weirdest description every, but it's one of the wierdest things I've yet to see in my tank. In a crevice of my live rock there is a brown (looked like a crab at first) thing with a scalloped opening facing the top of the tank. Out of this scalloped opening...
  15. drummerboy

    what color lights do most of yall prefer ?

    I would definitely go with 50/50. I just got 2 55 power compact myself. I put them on two different switches, and two different cords. When I have only the 10000k on it looks kinda yellow and dull. The actinic just brings out a lot more of the fishes color when it's paired with the daylight...
  16. drummerboy

    4000 Gallons tank

    Hey krusk, just curious, what lfs do you usually go to? I live in Grand Rapids too and I only know of two of them, one of which is apparently closing in less than a month.
  17. drummerboy

    What do people think after you tell them your hobby?

    People (at least at college) think it's kind of a dorkish thing to be interested in until they see it. Then they think it's really cool. Still not the best way to impress a girl though. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
  18. drummerboy

    How did you add your live sand?

    Just curious, have any of you ever added sand to a established tank? I really would like to switch my substrate from crushed coral (don't know why I ever got the stuff now), to a sand bed, but can't really think of any other way to do it other than to set up another tank for all my inhabitants...
  19. drummerboy

    Great cleaner shrimp

    I would like to see some pics if you ever get any, I'm getting one as soon as ships them (if they ever do). Sounds like they have quite the personality, and I'm really looking forward to getting mine. Has it been interesting to watch?
  20. drummerboy

    What'll they eat???

    I just placed two perculas in my tank three days ago. I really enjoy them, I like the way they swim and interact. The only problem is that I can't seem to get them to eat anything! They won't eat flakes (which I didn't expect them to anyway), but they won't eat the frozen brine shrimp that...