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  1. drummerboy

    30gall -to small for reef???

    If I could just add my humble opinion, no, 30 gallons is not too small for a reef, I'm a fairly new beginner, and have had no significant problems with a 29 gallon. The only thing you may want to think about is that though it's fairly consistently 80 degrees that any pumps and your lighting...
  2. drummerboy

    Green Bubbles

    When I first purchased my live rock there was a piece with a small green translucent bubble on it. Over about three months it's consistently grown in size (though still not over 1/4 of an inch in diameter). Now it is growing a few smaller bubbles underneath it, and another spot on the rock has...
  3. drummerboy

    Overflow priming

    Ok, maybe I'm stupid, but I bought an overflow from a lfs, who has a friend that makes them. It's an exact copy of the new cpr's except for the air [hr] to hook up a power head. I can do that easily enough myself. My question is how do you prime it? Just set it in the tank, put water in...
  4. drummerboy

    My significant other approves

    I agree with Noodle, you need a don't have significant other place. It was my significant other's cheating on and leaving me that made me begin this hobby, and boy I'm glad it did. :D
  5. drummerboy

    bak pak and sump

    You know what broomer, I just saw your picture of the bp 2 and how you rigged it on your web site (very beautiful tank by the way). Thanks for the help, and I guess if all else fails, I can just go buy myself a bigger sump tank (it's not like they cost that much).
  6. drummerboy

    bak pak and sump

    Great idea broomer, thanks a lot. I have seen someone else do something similar, but all in the same sump. The only question would be how to get light in it? I was just going to use a good bulb on a 10 gallon hood. I guess I could either cut a hole in the rubbermaid lid, or hang it above...
  7. drummerboy

    overflow boxes

    No joke devante, you could make money off of this one! I'd be very happy to get a $17 overflow, and I'd pay some extra on top of that and still say it was a great deal! Email me at
  8. drummerboy

    bak pak and sump

    Mostly because I'm in college and can't even come close to affording a sump protien skimmer. :( I would like to get the bak pak off the back of my tank though, first because it's ugly and impossible to hide, and because it has a tendancy to spit out a million micro bubbles. I deviced a very...
  9. drummerboy

    bak pak and sump

    Ok, I'm finally building my own sump out of a ten gallon tank. my question is: how do you get the bak pak to work with it? the pump and return are so high that I'd have to almost completely fill my sump (not something I think I want to do) just to get it to work. Does anyone else use a bak...
  10. drummerboy

    Prices for RO water

    I get mine from the Meijers (like walmart) culagan water machine for .29 cents if I provide the jug. And I've tested it for phosphates and it's clean. The other water they sell though, like the absopure I had to buy the other day, does contian phosphates, more than my tap water! So test your...
  11. drummerboy

    brown algae

    mlm made a good point that I didn't mention, I did have my skimmer off for a week after I added it. Definitly don't run the skimmer if you're going to use the red slime remover. But even after a week and a water change, it still has had an effect on the skimmer.
  12. drummerboy


    Just a question, how do you people feed things like brine shrimp? If I just drop pieces in it usually ends up on the bottom with no one eating it (none of my fish will eat anything off the bottom). So I've started feeding by hand, both of my clowns have very readily accepted food if I hold it...
  13. drummerboy

    brown algae

    I haven't had any bad experiences with the product, it got rid of the red slime right away, but it definitly hasn't helped my diatom problem! The only other thingis it makes the protien skimmer go crazy. It makes it spit out millions of micro bubble. But other than that, it did work well for...
  14. drummerboy

    Snail ID?

    The one I have is definitly not a fighting conch. It's shell does very closely resemble the second pictre though (can't remember how to spell it). I guess it's a good thing to have then, it's definitly been an interesting snail to watch.
  15. drummerboy

    Help with shrimp!

    I pretty much go to vi pets all the time. I liked the coral reefs selection, but their prices were very high, and the guy was a jerk to me. They are closing in a couple of weeks though (I guess the guy is going to australia to work on a reef restoration project). I guess even though the guy...
  16. drummerboy

    Home Depot or LFS MH bulb

    Krusk, I know this is kind of off topic, but that was a great question! I laughed pretty hard. Just being a philosphy major, and being in logic right now, I have questions like that all the time. Don't mean to waste space, but just thought I'd say I got a pretty good laugh out of that.
  17. drummerboy

    Help with shrimp!

    Thanks ed, yes, I guess you are right. From what I had learned up to this point (and from my lfs) that ph was not that abnormal, and in fact was acceptable. It was not until I had this problem that I realized that it was that big of a deal. I do have it stabilized now (the protien skimmer...
  18. drummerboy

    Online Ordering........HONESTLY now....

    The only online ordering experience has been from this site, but so far so good. One of the shrimp they sent me was dead in the bag (then two others died shortly after), but they've taken good care of me, honestly I've been very impressed. They're going to refund them, and they've been very...
  19. drummerboy

    Help with shrimp!

    My ph before adding the baking soda was 7.8, and that was late at night. I think it was usually lower in the begining of the day. Yes I know, that is way to low!!
  20. drummerboy

    Snail ID?

    Yes, whatever I have (though I know it's not a bumble bee snail), doesn't acctually eat with the tube, he kind of uses it as a director, wherever it points is the direction he's gonna go. And they do have a good sense of smell! As soon as a peice of brine shrimp hits the bottom he appears out...