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  1. drummerboy Store Delivery...?

    I ordered my u-build it monday night, and have yet to recieve it, or get an email telling me that it's on it's way. Hope it comes soon, but like someone else said, with the prices and free shipping, you can't really can't beat it, so it's worth the wait.
  2. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Ok, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I syphoned as much of the red algae as I could out, did a massive water change with ro water that I got from the local meijer (the michigan idea of a walmart). So far it's completly disappeared, even the parts that I couldn't syphon off seem to be...
  3. drummerboy

    to many skimmer bubbles

    I have a cpr backpak, but had the same thing at first. When they are new, they will do that for a while, you just have to let them run thier course. Also, did you add anything? Almost any additive (declorinator did it do mine) increases the surface tention of the water and will make it do...
  4. drummerboy


    It's a pain isn't it? The stuff that I have seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. I think it's even on one of my mushrooms right now :mad: , I really hope that it doesn't kill it, but I don't know what to do. Let me know how your's is doing, and if you get rid of it and how. The stuff...
  5. drummerboy


    Hey, I have the same problem right now. A lot of people responded to my quesion, so you may want to look under it- "can anyone help with red algae". I'm going to try using a product called chemi-clear as they suggested.
  6. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Acctually, yes I did just start adding a calcium suppliment, that may be part of it. I'll cut back on that for now, it's really not that necessary for my tank, I just wanted to help the coraline along. My problem is that it's not on the glass, it's all over a lr, so the only thing I can do is...
  7. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    thanks alot! I always wondered about that. I figured that all ro units had the same basic idea, and I wondered why the aquariums ones always cost so much more. I can definitly justify spending that much on a ro unit, I could never justify $300 though. I'll have to get myself one of those...
  8. drummerboy

    first corals? what are easy

    I agree, mushrooms are great, just make sure you know what kind you're getting, and what they like. I have two different kinds, the red mushrooms always are trying to hide from the lights, and then I have some (I don't know for sure what kind they are yet-they are purple with bright blue spots)...
  9. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Thanks for all your advice. I'm always very nerveous about using chemicals in my water, but I just may have to in this case. I swear if I watch long enough I can see the stuff spread. It's very frustrating, because I know for a fact that it was introduced by my mushroom rock, and it's still...
  10. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Thanks again, yeah, I have to siphon out my crushed coral really often, but I figure it's just a good insentive to make frequent water changes. Now that I look back on it, I really wish that I had gone with sand, but I don't feel like ripping my entire tank apart to do so. I just found some...
  11. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Yeah, that is something that I need to change. I use tap water, but I thought that as long as the phosphate levels weren't to high that it didn't matter. I'm going to start trying distilled water and see if that makes a difference. And yes, I forgot to add that I'm planning on purchasing a...
  12. drummerboy

    Atlantic Carpet

    Thank you for your help, I finally found some information on them today, and your right, nothing seems to host in them except a very rare crab.
  13. drummerboy

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    I'm fairly new to this, but I've definitly done my homework. I have all kinds of info about green and brown algae, but can't find any on red. The reason I ask is because I bought a really nice piece of live rock with about 8 mushrooms on it, but I noticed when I got it home that it had a...
  14. drummerboy

    Atlantic Carpet

    I was just curious if the atlantic carpet is of the same family as the other carpet anemones. I really would like to take advantage of's u-build it reef package, but the atlantic carpet is the only anemone that they don't list a scientific name for. What I'd really like to...