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  1. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Sounds good to me, and if I move my 55 now, my wife can hurry up and replace the carpet in the room before setting up the new tank. It sure beats trying to move it in a year or two.
  2. briandg

    Increasing waterflow in a 180

    LOL sounds like it, can I ask how you set up you closed loop?
  3. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    I guess I was thinking about it differently. I am going to be moving his tank with his live rock, etc. I was going to put all of his fish back in the tank a day after the move then slowly move mine over, but if the fish will survive temporarily in my tank, this will be a much better solution.
  4. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Ok, so it will be ok to overstock my 55 temporarily?
  5. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    That's my other dilema, I will have the larger Angel and the Sohal already in the larger tank, so I will be introducing my smaller Angel and Yellow Tang to the larger tank after the ones that pose more risk.
  6. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Unfortunately I agree. How quickly do you think I can move them over, can I slowly do it over a month?
  7. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Originally Posted by Jam1e the urchin won't do any harm to a reef tank but it might knock some things over and depending on what type of urchin might pick some corals up and carry them around .. my verigated urchin picks up my unatached sps corals all the time and holds it about it's body on the...
  8. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Thanks alot for the quick feedback. The only reason I was hopeful with the Maroon, is because it's currently in w/a Clarki, but I will give it up if there's a chance of it killing the percs (those are my sons Nemos and given the choice I'll keep them). I wasn't sure about the Tang becaue I had...
  9. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    I also forgot, she has some sort of an Urchin. I think I should get rid of this because I want to make this a reef tank.
  10. briandg

    Fish Compatibility

    Ok, I have another question for my new (used) 180g tank before I get it. It comes stocked with some fish, and I need some advice on which ones I can keep with my current stock. The new tank has the following fish already in it: 1 Bi Color Angel 1 Maroon Clown 1 Clarki 3 Damsels 1 Orange/Purple...
  11. briandg

    Increasing waterflow in a 180

    Ok, I'm doing some research for the 180 gal I just purchased. The person who owns it currently has 1200 gph going through it in the sump return. I know I will need much more flow than that. I'm not ready to build a closed loop system, I will need to take some time on this, it will have to be...
  12. briandg

    Large aquafuge with light and hagen aquaclear 110/500 sponges/charcoal

    Sorry I wasn't clear, I was just referring to the ruge. Thanks
  13. briandg

    Large aquafuge with light and hagen aquaclear 110/500 sponges/charcoal

    I'm just starting to look and am clueless, is this a hang on. I'm looking to add a hang on to my sump. Thanks
  14. briandg

    HOB Fuge on Sump??????

    Thanks, I will look into that.
  15. briandg

    HOB Fuge on Sump??????

    I have just purchased a 180 gal tank with a 40 gal sump. It has no fuge. Because of livestock and live rock, I will not have time to modify the sump to include a fuge before setting it up. Also, the 40 gal as to be put in through the top of the stand before setting up the 180. I'm trying to...
  16. briandg

    Glueing mushroom help, getting ready to do it

    bump, anyone, i need to do it now Thank
  17. briandg

    Glueing mushroom help, getting ready to do it

    I've just finished acclimating my mushroom and need to attach it to a rock. My question is definitely a newbie one, but I want to make sure. Do I apply the glue to the middle of the mushroom on the "meaty" part underneath or will this damage the mushroom. A quick response will be greatly...
  18. briandg

    Adjusting SG.

    Originally Posted by fbm This is the one I have and although I have never used any other one, this is a high quality one and can't beat the price. Agreed, best piece of equipment I've purchased for my tank. Definitely get one if you can.
  19. briandg

    Adjusting SG.

    I would let it sit over night. Test your salinity in your main tank before mixing. Mix the top off to match the salinity in your tank at night and circulate it with a power head over night. Then the next morning when you add it, it will be just like a water change, the same salinity as in...