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  1. briandg

    Strange Hitchhiker, Please help identify!!!!

    It's not the "living thing" wrapped around the rock, it's like a transparent for lack of a better word "house" that it's moving around inside of. I couldn't see it well enough to see if it was a worm or crab. But the picture is of the transparent thing it built and is living inside. It looks...
  2. briandg

    Strange Hitchhiker, Please help identify!!!!

    I was looking around in my live rock tonight w/a flashlight, trying to find a cleaner shrimp that I added about a week ago that dissapeared when I found a hitchhiker that I've never seen before. It was in a dark area at the base of my rock near the back. It's hard to tell in the picture, but...
  3. briandg

    How big of a water change

    I'm not too worried now since I am going to use a tub. My original thought was use as much of her water as possible, but that changed. What I was worried about was if changing out the water and changing out the cc will cause a cycle, or if her live rock, equip. etc will help avoid a cycle. I...
  4. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Great idea. Unfortunately they live about 3 hours away. With my work schedule and family, this will be very difficult.
  5. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Originally Posted by LazyPinoy i kno a lot of people are against chemicals but if u find a lfs wih az-no3 then u should try it. my older brother wen t on vacation for 3 months and left his tank with a puffer, lion and a half black angel. his test came out blood shot red. (api test) for about 3...
  6. briandg

    How big of a water change

    I will definitely keep you posted. It looks like I have a chore ahead of me. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do as far as lighting as the lights are mounted in the canopy, but I'll figure something out. It sucks that they are in this condition, but hopefully I can get everything...
  7. briandg

    Anyone have experience with the Rondomatic 400 automatic feeder?

    I've read were most people on the boards do not like automatic feeders, but this one looks interesting to me. It has individual compartments for food, and runs on a 24 hour cycle. It looks like a possible good addition to me. With the individual compartments the risk of overfeeding appears...
  8. briandg

    How big of a water change

    How long should I keep them in the tub, I don't know how quickly I can get the trates down in the 180.
  9. briandg

    How big of a water change

    I was also suprised to see her ammonia was at 0. I expected it to be up there too. I haven't even tested any of the other parameters yet, because I know with the trates the water is not suitable anyway. But I know I don't want to put my fish in the tank. I have a small 55 gal and no sump...
  10. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Maybe I should post the fish in the classified section and allow for pickup at her house in Atlanta. At least I would know that the fish would be taken care of properly. I don't know if she'd be thrilled about that, but the tank is mine now, so I imagine she would let me do this.
  11. briandg

    How big of a water change

    I purchased the tank already, it was a good deal regardless of the fish, but she is including them. I am not able to pick up the tank for about 4 weeks because we are changing carpet before setting it up. So she still has it. I forgot to mention, she even has an anenome in it. I know it...
  12. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Are there fish in this tank currently?(the 180?) Yes, believe it or not, she has a maroon clown, a couple of damsels a sohal tang, a clarki and a couple of others that I can't remember. She even has a few polyps and a couple of shrooms. There are also a few...
  13. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Yeah, I should probably do that, but I'm not sure I really want to know . JK, thanks for the advice, I will do that on Monday. Actually, by how dark it is, my guess is they are around 200.
  14. briandg

    How big of a water change

    Thanks for the replies. My concern is that I will be seeding new sand with the sand in my current 55. I'm replacing her CC. This will include some sand sifting snails and a sand sifting cucumber. I'm worried about exposing my inverts to this high of nitrates. I swear, the result of the test...
  15. briandg

    How big of a water change

    scary isn't it
  16. briandg

    How big of a water change

    The kit's still good. The person said she's been neglecting the tank because of two newborns, she doesn't remember the last time she did a water change, and the flow in the 180 is only 1200gph. The same test shows the trates in my tank at 0. I believe they truely are that high.
  17. briandg

    How big of a water change

    I've been posting a few questions regarding a used tank I purchased but have yet to pick up. I am ugrading to a 180 from a 55. Today I took a sample of the water from the 180 home and tested it. The nitrates were through the roof. My test shows the more red the color the higher the nitrates...
  18. briandg

    Will Changing to Sand cause a cycle

    Thanks, yeah I was planning on purchasing plenty of salt before the move, testing her salinity this weekend and having a couple of trash cans full of water ready when it's set up. I don't know if it all will work, but I can't think of a better idea. I don't know who's gonna be more stressed...