Search results

  1. wetone

    Help..droopy colt

    I have a piece of Colt coral that has almost doubled in size the past year...all of a sudden it has gotten droopy and just doesnt look good. I have 2 other pieces from this same colt in the tank that I fragged from it that are doing fine, I also have other softies and SPS and a deras that are...
  2. wetone

    new blennie missing

    I do have a small flower pot anenome, that never moves, I would assume the blennie would stay away from the stingers like all other fish. There are some blue leg hermits used for cleanup, they are small and I have not noticed them bother any other things....yet ??!!
  3. wetone

    new blennie missing

    Added a new scooter blennie on Fri night. I acclimated the way I normally do with floating to adjust temp then adding parts of tank water to LFS water for about 30 mins. I netted this guy, put him in, he immediately headed for the back of the LR and I haven't seen him since. There are no...
  4. wetone

    new DSB./ Refugium ??

    What size/type of light is that for the caulerpa? like a 2 foot NO flo for plants?
  5. wetone

    new DSB./ Refugium ??

    I have a 75G with about 125lbs LR there is only 1" or less of fine aragonite sand in the tank for aesthetics only. I have about a 35G rubbermaid sump and would like to attach another (same size) to act like a refugium. Ihave some LR pieces that are growing different types of caulerpa and I know...
  6. wetone

    Donut crumbs on Zoanthids??

    I have a rock covered in zoanthid polyps. They were open and thriving for a few months, abot 30 days ago they closed and only some of them open fully. The rest have a white powder look around the edges, almost like your face after eating white powdered donuts !!! There is also some slime. The...
  7. wetone

    How to attatch colt frags

    I have 2 large Colts that I frag all the time....I pierce the small piece with a plastic toothpick and attach to rubble rock with an elastic band. In about 2 weeks the colt will attach to the rock and you can slide the toothpick out. Try to find the right spot on the rubble so you dont have to...
  8. wetone

    Help..buying first clam

    Tank is 70G, it is 24" deep. When you say put a rock under him, do you mean a small piece of flat rubble to attach to or any big rock as long as there is something under the shell where the foot will attach ??
  9. wetone

    Help..buying first clam

  10. wetone

    Help..buying first clam

    OK...its time to add my first tridacna clam to my tank. The water params are all fine, I have a tank full of LPS and SPS, calcium is always above 450. I have 2 250w MH and 2 110w VHO actinics. My questions are: What to look for in LFS for a good buy? color? actions? feeding, etc? Which species...
  11. wetone

    testing pix load

    I think its open to view now...... <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  12. wetone

    testing pix load

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  13. wetone

    testing pix load

    trying to figure out how to load pix
  14. wetone

    when to change bulbs

    I turn on the halides around 4:00pm and off around 9:00pm. I have them on when home so I can enjoy the corals at their fullest while keeping heat and algae down. I have zoanthid polyps which are not opening much, they were massive 1 month ago. I dont think lighting is the problem..any thoughts??
  15. wetone

    everyone post a pic on this topic

    how do you get your pix to show up in the post ???
  16. wetone

    when to change bulbs

    I had another post going about coral growth slowing down and many replys pointed to my lights being old. I have 2 250w 6500K MH's and 2 110W VHO actinics. All are about 12 months old. The MH's are on 4hrs a day, while the VHO's are on 8 hrs. Question is how often do you change your bulbs??
  17. wetone

    how to load pix

    I want to display either a picture in the message section or a jpg file to be downloaded, I don't have a do I do this??
  18. wetone

    coral growth slowing down

    All lights are about 12 months old. The MH's are on about 5 hrs a day...the VHO Actinics are on about 8 hrs a day. I guess it could be time to order new ones
  19. wetone

    coral growth slowing down

    Phospates, nitrates are at 0 70g with 30g sump, 125lbs LR, doing monthly water changes of 15g with RO water. 2 250w 6500k MH and 2 110w VHO actinics. Everything looks great including SPS, but have noticed slow down in the Colt growth
  20. wetone

    coral growth slowing down

    I have a Colt coral which in a 2-3 month time frame easily doubled in size, it grew so much that it now has 3 main stalks connected to 3 separate pieces of live rock. I have fragged numerous pieces from this main coral. In the past 2-3 months this major growth spurt has slowed,(I also noticed my...