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  1. levinjos

    KH very high,

    i mean is the kh thing a ph
  2. levinjos

    KH very high,

    is a KH a ph???
  3. levinjos

    Help Firefish Goby

  4. levinjos


    well jake dosent eather are dad did it and i dont like to read
  5. levinjos


    oh and jake dont act dumb
  6. levinjos


    no im serious im going to have a saltwater at my dads and freshwater at my moms derr
  7. levinjos

    90 Gallon build from the stand up

    thats awesome!!
  8. levinjos


    its really my first time having a saltwateer
  9. levinjos


    im goin to get a saltwaterfish tank can someone tell me how to cycle it
  10. levinjos

    Off Topic: Freshwater

    i would say join myfishbox thats exactly like this
  11. levinjos

    brothers fish

    my brother had two clown fish one died but the other one survied but i was sorry for the other one he had a flame angle it died the same day the clownfish did and thats sad!! and he had two shrimps one just died the other crawled out of the tank i cared for the one who crawled out of the tank...
  12. levinjos

    Help Firefish Goby

    im the one who found it in the ded coral
  13. levinjos

    Help Firefish Goby

    it was under the bed ded and i know this because hes my brother
  14. levinjos

    29 gallon biocube journal

    yeah this is my brother
  15. levinjos


    they look great
  16. levinjos


    i lied
  17. levinjos


    ok i have a 150g tank with two firefish and 1 shrimp it died
  18. levinjos

    Sailfin Tang

    i know right