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  1. gbellx

    Please Help!!! Trapped Fish!!!

    hey i live in omaha!
  2. gbellx

    nudi eggs

    Originally Posted by twogirls took some pics those white curly things are harmless filter feeders...kinda like a mini-mini feather duster....the purple is coraline alge.
  3. gbellx

    fish bite or parasite?

    it started about 1 month ago like a small whiter bump...then i went away but there was still a it looks like its a big bite or "hole" the puffer i got like a week ago...this has been an issue with him before... lymphocystis is what he has also....ive read there is no cure but time...
  4. gbellx

    fish bite or parasite?

    he had the "bite/mark" before the puffer.... thanks for the advice about the rock and such. i have had the madarain for about 8 months
  5. gbellx

    fish bite or parasite?

    I have a ton of live rock and my mandrian has pleantly of pods to eat...he is actually gotten a little on the tubby side... tank has been set up for a good year now...i have two clowns and a tiny puffer of some kind...its green and spotted (was like 5 bucks at my LFS) I dont have a fuge.
  6. gbellx

    fish bite or parasite?

    i just did a test of everything in the tank and here are the results: Ammonia NH3/NH+4 = 0 Ph = 8.25 Nitrate NO-2 = 0 Nitrate NO-3 = 5.5 The size of my tank is a 30gl I have live rock and sand w/ CC. I dont know what you mean by "how" my tank is set up.
  7. gbellx

    Mandarin Fish

    /agree longer the better
  8. gbellx

    fish bite or parasite?

    On my mandarin there is a what started to be a white bump then turned into a large white dent...i have noticed lymphocyctis on its fins and such...but could that make a "hole?" Im sorry i dont have a picture and nothing in the pics section looked like it except for the lymphocyctis on the fins...
  9. gbellx

    Mandarin Fish

    if you are going to get one after all this here are a few things i did to prepare for my mandrin...i have the same size tank with about the same LR maybe a bit tank is about a year old with perfect levels since day 1 (knock on wood).... heres what you do. 1) Buy the pods they eat and...
  10. gbellx

    Oh Noes!!!

    I did give him a night to observere any signs of life or any inflation.... ...this morning when i looked....he was alive and uh...stickin'? hehe! i still feel horrible. but now that he "looks" alive...could he possibly still die or be dead?
  11. gbellx

    Oh Noes!!!

    thats not harsh at all... but...he did get re-attached to a rock and is s-l-o-w-l-y inflating... im going to re-post in the morning to give updates... ...i feel horrible!
  12. gbellx

    Oh Noes!!!

    i went away for a bit, and came back and my pink-tip annenome was plugging my power head!!! he was sucked all the way in!! I FEEL TERRIBLE!!!! i turned every thing off and tried to pull him out but but he was "really" in there!!! I got him out and he lost a few tenticles? will he live? please...
  13. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    yeah I moved him to a 10 gallon tank and he told me that hes much happier. anywho. in my 35gal I have a 25-250gal red sea berlin skimmer...that my friend gave me, i cleaned it up and i have no idea what to do with it. BUT...i did find some plans to hook it up...but i dont know if the pump that i...
  14. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa From the pictures, your corals look fine. How do they look to you? Are the colors the way they should be? Well, my LFS told me a C.C. starfish will be good for my tank...I had no idea they were as dangerous to my corals. :mad: But whatev...i caught him on the...
  15. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    Where would they come from? I have them all over! they are brown, yellow, purple and dark green. Different colors on the glass and on the rocks. I would trust you guys over my LFS. I work all day, i will see if i cant get another picture of the other ones. how would i take them off the rock...
  16. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    I thought of a few more questions, since you guys are the most helpful forum ive been on in ages! Do my corals look ok? I see everyones corals look different than mine! Maybe its just me? What do you use to scrape off the green alge and the coraline alge? Its REALLY on there...i tried a guitar...
  17. gbellx

    Just a few ?'s

    is there anything that eats them? I dont really know if I like using chemicals in my sure its perfectly safe...but... maybe its just me?
  18. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    thank you so much for the response! I have a "reverse osmosis" thing that i use for top off's just letting you know.
  19. gbellx

    Just a few ?'s

    I have been into saltwater fish for some time now, and the tank is growing new stuff all the time! I sometimes can figure it out but I dont have a clue what some of the stuff is... will you guys help me figure out what this is or maybe its in your tank and you know what it is...also, is it...
  20. gbellx

    What am I looking at?

    I have been into saltwater fish for some time now, and the tank is growing new stuff all the time! I sometimes can figure it out but I dont have a clue what some of the stuff is... will you guys help me figure out what this is or maybe its in your tank and you know what it is...also, is it...