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  1. enomadra

    Are these reef safe??

    hahahahahahah!!!! that is funny
  2. enomadra

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    And the finnal pic #3. Good Luck everyone
  3. enomadra

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    Here is my 2 pic
  4. enomadra

    Just a Lazy Mid-Week SixPack

    I must agree this tank looks great I am still only 6 months new to reef tanks but love to see other peoples tanks to give me ideas. Keep up the great work! :)
  5. enomadra

    Filter Media Question

    So I am kind of confused :confused: Do the Oyster shells make it so you dont have to dose Calcium? I am doseing about 2 tsp of Kent Calcium a day. my reading is at 780ppm
  6. enomadra

    Filter Media Question

    My tank has been running for 6 months now
  7. enomadra

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    Wow! would help if I read first. I started to post 3 pics from my tank then had to delete them heheheh:hilarious . So here is my tank. 55Gallon
  8. enomadra

    Filter Media Question

    My 55 Gallon Truvu has a hang on the back wet/dry style filter with built-in protien skimmer. Oh and here are some of the tank particulars: 2 1/2 inch sand bed (live sand) prob around 50lbs of live rock if you need more than that please read the data at the top of my web site HERE I am...
  9. enomadra

    Are these reef safe??

    Got ya I will leave them alone. Hey thanks for all the help.:D
  10. enomadra

    Are these reef safe??

    Sweet :cheer: thats what I was hoping to hear. Has anyone tried to move one from its location. I think they look pretty well dug in and moving would not work.:notsure:
  11. enomadra

    Are these reef safe??

    I just wanted to see if anyone else had spaghetti worms in their reef. I started out with one and they have been multiplying. Now I think I have about 4 or 5. Their tenticles shoot out over a foot long and they drag stuff in. I have seen them drag in big chucks of various marine plants that I...
  12. enomadra

    Need Help with an ID

    WOW:jumping: that would be cool. If it is a tunicate could I move it to a different location without damaging it?:nervous:
  13. enomadra

    Need Help with an ID

    Just for the record all that stringy stuff under the bubble is not attached to it. That is some other creature that I have not got an ID for yet either.:D
  14. enomadra

    Need Help with an ID

    Sorry here is the pic
  15. enomadra

    Need Help with an ID

    I had one of these in my tank about two weeks ago but sucked it up when I was doing a water change. Now I have another one so I am assuming that this is not just a bunch of junk in the shape of a bubble ball. Any help would be great, I am hoping it is not something bad (I have already had my...
  16. enomadra

    power head shooting tons of little bubbles

    I would check all of the above. But I would also ask if you are running one of those push on filters? If you are take if off and see if the bubbles go away. I had put one on my powerhead only to find tons of bubbles filling up my tank. When I took it off the bubbles went away, Oh and I found the...
  17. enomadra

    lighting for a 55 reef

    I have put a link to my post in the Equipment section of this site. I have a 48" wide 55 Gallon and have experimented with PC and VHO lighting. In my post is a link to my site which has pictures of my tank and corals using 330 watts of PC. If you keep following the links you will see the second...
  18. enomadra

    Proper Light Height above tank

    I had the same problem with my lights. They sat too high so I built this light cage. As you will see it is for VHO but I am sure you could do the same for PC lights. Here is the link to my post. My light post link
  19. enomadra

    Has anyone used one of these yet??

    First. HAPPY NEW YEARS:cheer: The Wave2K I just wanted to check and see if ayone has used one of these yet and if so, do they like it or dislike it? I have a 55 gallon 48 X 12 X 20 that I want to get some sort of wave device for and I just happend to run accross this one. I thought it sounded...
  20. enomadra

    Storage of a Tank

    Sorry to cut in on this post. But am in the same boat so to speak I have a 135 reef tank that is all glass and I am storing. Any tips or suggestion on how long is safe would be great.:jumping: