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  1. 3stripedamsel

    Blue hippo tang

    I have a hippo tang from 2 inch now to 10 inch or more for 2 years no HLLE . They are extremly easy to take care of. Feed them with vitachem and pellets and give them some seaweed twice a week. I don't know why nobody mention this but MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT BULLY. They have to live a...
  2. 3stripedamsel

    BIGGEST mistake you've made in the hobby

    My mistake was starting with a canister and a hang on skimmer. Could never keep the Angels alive and kept buying. Probably kill 100's of them.
  3. 3stripedamsel

    Goldflake angelfish? anyone has one?

    Nice Goldflake you got there raedyaghnam. My emperor was beating up on the blueface. Sold it to the LFS for peanuts. Lucky you to get all those angels. I used to have a trigger that kill everyone in the tank. No luck with triggers either. CCampbell, Sorry to hear about the QT incident...
  4. 3stripedamsel

    Goldflake angelfish? anyone has one?

    Hi Anyone know if they can go with a emperor anglish? 8 inch emperor and a flame, looking to get a 2 to 3 inch one. (180 gallon tank) curent stock, flame, emperor, hippo, and some smaller fishes. thanks
  5. 3stripedamsel

    Best Hang On Skimmer?

    I hate to say this, but they all aren't that great. i suggest you buy a Eshopp overflow box or one from ---- and put it in any size tank that can fit in the cabinet and buy a 100 dollar skimmer and will beat any hang on and not waste the 500 dollars. I agree with cveverly on his rating of...
  6. 3stripedamsel

    Golden Butterfly, anyone has one?

    Hi, thanks for reading, I have a 180 gallon tank so lets get that out of the way. After a horrible fight broke out between my Blueface and Emperor I sold my Blueface today. I am thinking of replacing it with a Golden Butterfly, rarely do I see it in my LFS but today is there for 85 dollars quiet...
  7. 3stripedamsel

    Emperor Angels.

    Hi The secret is vitamins. I have a friend with 1 super large emperor angel (10 nch or above). All he does is dose the tank with vitamins and feed angel food with vitamins. He had them for more then 5 years with brillant color. not zelcon but vitamchem, Zoe, vitamin C. Try again with...
  8. 3stripedamsel

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    One of the reasons is they cause so much trouble is beginners like to house them and a clown, gobies, firefish (nano fish) all in a 6 or 10 gallon reef tank. They are fighting for that little space. If you house them in a 55 gallon or higher , they are a treat to watch, easy on the bioload and...
  9. 3stripedamsel

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    My three stipedamsel is one of the nicest fish around. Damsels will not kill fish they might chase and be a little mean. But certainly is not going to kill a angel or a maroon (if you dont' consider them damsels). I put a egg crate dividing the tank now..with the niger trigger. Just can't...
  10. 3stripedamsel

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    Mines is around the same size maybe size of a adult palm but my trigger is thick. The funny thing is around a month ago he was getting beaten up by a new H butterfly I brought. CCampbell if it is 3 times the size I wouldn't worry about it. It doesn't happen while you are sleeping. I have done...
  11. 3stripedamsel

    Should I flush? Please help.

    This happen to me a few times I suggest you get like a 99 cents little holder with holes and put the clown in there until it heals. If he starts to really shows signs of death then put it out of misery.
  12. 3stripedamsel

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    CCampell or others who have triggers, from my observation it seems they do show a little sign of aggression before the killing. Mines is really soft and ocassionally be chase away by my emperor or my wrasse. Leading to the killing my family notice his behavior changing. a little more hiding...
  13. 3stripedamsel

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    My Niger trigger kill my emperor angel and my pair of maroon clown last night. Couldn't catch the luner wrasse but now chasing it in the tank. I had this trigger for a while and always one of the better fishes but I knew he was trouble when he kill my cleaner shrimp last week and started hiding...
  14. 3stripedamsel

    Best advice, 2 choices, please help

    Good point, I agree about copper on some fish is not a good idea. Therefore I think hypo is the way to go (safer and less stressful on the fish)
  15. 3stripedamsel

    pH problem in hypo tank

    Baking soda is the way to go. The PH will rise and stay there until the next water change.
  16. 3stripedamsel

    Best advice, 2 choices, please help

    I personally think copper is much easier then hypo. I have tried both and both work. After the 2 weeks of copper treatment you just need to keep the fish for 6 weeks in the QT tank while the display goes fishless With Hypo keeping it at 1.09 for 6 weeks is not easy with evaporation and PH...
  17. 3stripedamsel

    what is the right way do water changes?

    Don't forgot to use RO/DI water, donot use tap water. It does the fish good.
  18. 3stripedamsel

    Anyone know Cupramine treatment? help

    Hi Yes I have did have a poly filter in the hang on filter. Could that have wipe out the copper? I only have a 2 pvc in the tank I should have tested daily but my API test wasn't too acurate and I just recieve my new seachem test? anyway Should I redose again right away or wait 2 weeks to see...
  19. 3stripedamsel

    Anyone know Cupramine treatment? help

    I been treating my 2 maroons with cupramine for 2 weeks now. Today i did a test to check on the copper (2nd week up ) with seachem and APi both show no copper. At first when I dose it they were hiding and not eating for 2 weeks straight. but today is the 2nd week. And the 2 maroons is...
  20. 3stripedamsel

    Please Read This

    yes, if you have the spoon and lots of powder then is the bad one. Email seachem and they will send you a new one.