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  1. brucewrs

    I caught this while snorkling

    I went to watch a few friends who were spearing for snapper.I brought a net and bucket which I put in the inflatable raft.There were so many Tangs,Triggers and Parrot fish there. I had a battery airrator in the car for the trip home.
  2. brucewrs

    I caught this while snorkling

    Thanks,so far so good.
  3. brucewrs

    I caught this while snorkling

    I believe it is a French Angel.I caught him with a net.I went snorkling in West Palm.What do you think?
  4. brucewrs

    New Lights = New Problems?????

    get rid of the glass lids....
  5. brucewrs

    less water changes w/fuge?

    So is that true? I want to add a fuge but not sure on the plumbing.Ihave a 210 with 2 drilled mega flows into a 400 pro clear wet dry.I want to keep the wet dry so how would you hook up a fuge without drilling the wet dry?can I hang a over flow off the back?Would that cause a problem if the...
  6. brucewrs

    Moving- how to tranport tank?

    Originally Posted by Glibgoat So I am moving. My livestock is relatively small right now. I have an engineer goby, lawnmower blennie, 2 percs and 3 green chromis. I have fire and ice zoas, button polyps, kenya tree and purple shrooms. 65lb of liverock in a 65g tank. My question- How do I move...
  7. brucewrs

    Redmond Reef refugium BRAND NEW!

    I see that it is drilled.Does it come with the fittings?
  8. brucewrs

    AGA mega flow,what size pipes?

    I have an 210Aga w/twin overflows.I want to use pvc and get rid of the hoses.The bulk head on the bottom has [hr] ends that the hoses hook up to.Do they make bulkeads for pvc piping?what size?I know they are 2 different sizes.Thanks
  9. brucewrs

    Jebo/Odyssea 4 External Filter

    aquatraders dot com :notsure:
  10. brucewrs


    I always thought the more turn over the better.I just got back into this hobby from taking 10 years off.Alot has changed in 10 years.I like the fuge idea.That will be my next project...
  11. brucewrs

    PVC tubing?

    When I shut the power off my sump fills up.Is that bad for the bacteria on the bio balls?I read some where that the bacteria would drown..Any truth to that?
  12. brucewrs

    PVC tubing?

    Thanks,that makes alot of sense.
  13. brucewrs

    Tiny white worms

    did a search and this is what I found.... They are Spirorbid Worms. Tiny white dots about the size of a pinhead can be found in reef tanks, overflow boxes , and sumps. They are Spirorbid Worms, which are filter feeders. It won't hurt to scrape them off if they obstuct your view, but they are...
  14. brucewrs

    Tiny white worms

    sounds like new tank syndrome...Do a search.It is normal and wont hurt anything.Do they stick to your glass and look like white dots?
  15. brucewrs


    The more water circulation the better.I have two king5's each one pumps 1550gph on my 210gallon tank.
  16. brucewrs

    AAA for us?

    I feel like I need this hobby addicting or what?My fish eat better than me..$$$ is flying out of my window.I better roll it up before my wife throws me out...
  17. brucewrs

    odyssea m.h. ,good or bad?

    Originally Posted by sunny For the price, it was worth the money. Our tank was completely purple with coraline algae. 1 moon light has been replaced and both fans need to be replaced. We just upgraded to a 210 gallon tank and no longer use it. Anybody interested in a 6 month old light with...
  18. brucewrs

    bait and tackle stores?

    Originally Posted by Qreef all the same because silversides are not farm rise.......its safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man 5lb is a lot of silversides I could not believe how much fish.5lbs is alot..For some strange reason the fish did not go crazy when I fed them. I wonder if they put something on the...
  19. brucewrs

    bait and tackle stores?

  20. brucewrs

    bait and tackle stores?

    Has anyone ever bought frozen silversides from a bait and tackle store?5lbs for $9.00 by me..Is it safe?thanks