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  1. howardcu

    its impossible... but its working

    How did you manage to get the marine betta out? I have one that I would like to move to a different tank so that I can have some peppermint shrimp in the one he is in without him devouring them. I really don't want to take the rock work out, but there are many caves and overhangs for it to...
  2. howardcu

    About To Give Up

    Oh and if you only have one power head keep it going. I have 3 Maxijet 1200's and the Eheim that runs the return from the sump and I keep the large Eheim and one powerhead on at night. The two other Maxijets are on the same timer as the lights. If you only have one powerhead in a tank of that...
  3. howardcu

    About To Give Up

    I am going to agree with the others and say that the ammonia is your big problem. I would not add any more fish until that reads 0. I don't think the temp is your problem, mine usually runs at 76 or so and everything is fine. I have also had a time where the heater failed and the temp dropped...
  4. howardcu

    LFS stock in trouble

    I think I have seen tank bred flames for $100, when the wild ones are $30 to $40 online and $50 or so in an LFS. I choose aquacultured whenever I can, but for some things it just isn't possible or in the case of the flame angel very cost effective. I am trying to raise pseudochromis...
  5. howardcu

    Just starting

    Even a 70 gallon will cost well over a $1000 depending on what you want. Live rock alone for a tank that size will run $500 or more and that is if you get a good price and only 100lbs or so. Plus you will need lights and if you plan on any corals they will be much more. Not to mention a stand...
  6. howardcu

    could i get a puffer with my tank?

    Maybe if the tank was setup for a long time with no other fishes and it was the only fish in there, and then that is only a maybe. Mandarin fish are just very picky and like their live foods. But, I have a question regarding the puffers. I also would like to get a porcupine puffer, but in a...
  7. howardcu

    LookDown is gone

    I don't actually have either a lion or a trigger, but what is the reason that the two of them together is a big mistake? Which one is it that is the aggressor, the trigger? Also I saw a post about puffers and lions being a mistake, what is the reason for this? I am considering getting a...
  8. howardcu

    Pics of my new buddies...

    Sorry, I guess MorayM already pointed out that the wolf eel is a dottyback. I should read the whole page before posting.
  9. howardcu

    Little Tank of Horrors!!!!

    I am going to have to agree with the BS part. Plus who would possibly think jawfish would be fine with sharks? Yellow headed jawfish get spooked by anything except for maybe clowns. Not to mention they are little tender morsels for the sharks, that is if they got to them before they jumped...
  10. howardcu

    Pics of my new buddies...

    Oh, and as far as filtration goes I will have plenty of LR and my system is actually 3 75 gallon tanks and one 80 gallon sharing the same water and huge skimmer. Also one of the 75's is going to be a low flow fishless refugium that should provide plenty of critters for the others.
  11. howardcu

    Pics of my new buddies...

    I thought wolf eel or wolf blennies or whatever you want to call them were actually dottybacks or pseudochromids. I was actually thinking of getting one, but I only have a 75 as my biggest tank and I wasn't sure if they needed more room than that. My LFS has one that must be close to 16 inches...
  12. howardcu

    nassarius snails breeding

    I have a 75 gallon tank that just has live rock and some macro algea in it that also had a couple Nass snails. I have been feeding it every other day to get pods at a very high level before I add anything else and recently I have noticed quite a few small nass snails moving around when food...
  13. howardcu

    Shrimps together

    I have a pair of tiger pistols and a coral banded shrimp in my 55 and they don't ever see eachother. The coral banded is always up on the rockwork on a ledge or something, while the pistol shrimps and their orange spotted goby friend are beneath the surface digging away. They have tunnels that...
  14. howardcu

    worst weekend ever

    I have a UPS hooked up now and a battery powered air stone that turns on when the power goes out. They had the air stone back up systems at my LFS after that power outage. I have been fortunate to have not lost power since so I haven't had to put these backup systems to the test.
  15. howardcu

    Anyone know about Dottyback babies?

    In my book, Basslets, Dottybacks & Hawkfishes, it says they have a 6 day incubation period will breed as often as every two weeks and the fry need to be raised on rotifers. Does anyone have any information on how to go about culturing rotifers? I am guessing brine shrimp nauplii are too big...
  16. howardcu

    Anyone know about Dottyback babies?

    Hello all, I couldn't see my male sunrise dottyback out and about at feeding time like he usually is today and found him deep within his cave with a large cluster of eggs. I can't really get a pic and can barely see them with some creative positioning of my head and a flashlight. His cave...
  17. howardcu

    WWF - Pepermint vs. Damsel

    I am not familiar with any other than the plain blue and 3 spotted or domino damsels. My terror right now is actually a male sunrise dottyback. I have 2 and well I know he is the male for sure after today. I noticed he wasn't anywhere to be seen and I was just about to add the final fish two...
  18. howardcu

    VHO's and Rose BTA?

    Thanks, I was thinking the rose bubble tip due to its size. The carpets are just way too big after a few years and I don't have halides to truly support one. Maybe someday. There really needs to be an addict group for this hobby, like Marine Aquarist's Anonymous or something.
  19. howardcu

    WWF - Pepermint vs. Damsel

    Take the damsel back for sure. Those things are pure evil wrapped in an appealing eletric blue package. They will terrorize just about anything you try to add to your tank until the newcomer dies. I hate the way some stores recommend them as first fish to see if your tank has cycled. I fell...
  20. howardcu

    VHO's and Rose BTA?

    I am setting up an 80 gallon tank that will have 660 watts of VHO's (4 110 Watt 50/50 and 2 110 Watt Actinics on seperate timers) and was wondering if anyone has had success with anemones in a similar setup. Oh and it is going to be hooked up to a series of 3 75gallon tanks in the basement with...