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  1. howardcu


    Would one of the 12g nano cubes be too small for a Peacock? I am thinking of getting a 24 just to be on the safe side, but want a tank small enough to fit on my desk. Also I plan on putting acrylic sheets on the bottom and possibly along the sides that aren't curved glass. How long do the...
  2. howardcu

    What Corals can i get with these lights?

    Originally Posted by sprang I actually have the exact same light in my 29, and everything has thrived in it. I have xenia, shrooms, zoos, and hydnaphora ect. I believe these smaller tanks get more direct light than larger ones IMO, so unless you really want a clam A halide is overkill. Just my...
  3. howardcu

    Metal Halide Questions

    I know the temp will be in an issue, that is why everything is in the basement and with an open top. I also have saved a spot for a chiller eventually in the summer months. I was just wondering if anyone had tried 250 vs 400. Maybe I will get one of each and then fragment a few corals and see...
  4. howardcu

    Metal Halide Questions

    I have a 75 gallon reef tank that I would like to get 2 PFO pendants for. My question is about the cost difference between running two 400W bulbs vs two 250W bulbs. I also would like to know if 250W is enough to effectively keep and grow SPS's. Oh and the 2 PFO pendants I would like to get...
  5. howardcu

    Need help adjusting Nautilus EX skimmer

    I actually added an airpump to push air into the venturi opening of the skimmer and it seems to work very well. Also I have a Mag 12 powering the skimmer and have had to add a T with a gate valve before the intake of the skimmer to be able to control the flow. The T feeds back into the sump...
  6. howardcu

    basement sump in progress.

    Is that a PanWorld also known as Blueline pump and if so how do you like it so far? I currently have a MagDrive on my basement sump and it is just way too loud. I am not sure if they are really made for external applications like I have it set up. I was thinking of getting a PanWorld pump and...
  7. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    Yeah, I have a 240 gallon acryllic that I acquired used that I think I will make my fish only with live rock tank. I will probably have a 100 gallon or so sump with rubble and a skimmer and possible UV sterilizer. It is actually a wierd 240, it is 4' x 4' x 2' tall and has an overflow in the...
  8. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    Are puffers as bad as the other big predators as far as nitrate levels go? Also is there anything other than big predators that would be ok to have in the same tank as a porcupine puffer? The reef portion of the setup is my main priority, and if adding the puffer or predator will put that at a...
  9. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    It will be a while before I really know if it has worked or not. The system has been up and cycling for about 6 months now with a few corals added and that is about it. Too many bills with a new house and a wedding coming up. But, it is better to build slowly anyway :).
  10. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    Oh I am also planning on having caulerpa without predators in the fuge and the jawfish tank that I will use as another form of nutrient export. I have a 55 that is stocked too well with smaller fish and I haven't been able to get corals to grow very well in that tank due to the fish load. I...
  11. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    I have the 75 fuge that has about 100 lbs of rubble and then another 60lbs of sand as well as 120lbs of rock in the 80 reef, and another 75 to 100 lbs of rock in the two other 75's. All have a few inches of substrate and the reef and the eel/grouper/puffer tank will be the two tanks with the...
  12. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    After reading several more posts on here about triggers it seems that it would most likely be the problem. So I am now thinking the porcupine puffer, the miniatus grouper, and the goldentail morray in a 75 with about 75 lbs of live rock and 60lbs of live sand and a couple hundred gallons of...
  13. howardcu

    Will this fish combination work?

    I have a large system consisting of 3 75 gallon and one 80 gallon tanks all piped together sharing the same water. The 80 is going to be a reef, one of the 75's a refuge, and another a gentle fish and jawfish tank. The last 75 I would like to make an aggressive fish tank. I was thinking a...
  14. howardcu

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Does anyone know how long stone crabs live? I am pretty sure I had one in my tank about 2 and a half years ago and saw him agian when I moved about 9 months ago. I never was able to catch the thing and didn't ever have any problems other than maybe snails. I have not seen it since the move 9...
  15. howardcu

    Is this hlle?

    Is it a combination of water parameters and food that causes HLLE? I have a Sailfin Tang that has very small spots near its eyes from time to time and am afraid that maybe it may need something else in its diet. It has never progressed past barely noticable spots, but I have seen some bad...
  16. howardcu

    55Gal Setup for Sale, Cary, NC

    I am also interested in how the JEBO lights have worked for you. They seem too cheap to be true. Please e-mail me with your success or failures. I am particularly interested in the JEBO bulbs, are they about the same as Corallife ones? E-mail:
  17. howardcu

    benefits of uv sterilizer ?

    How often do you feed your filter feeders now that you use a UV sterilizer? Do you have to feed them more often than before and do they seem to be as healthy? I keep see people trashing UV, but I am thinking the positives outweigh the possible negatives. Plus do the filter feeders really care...
  18. howardcu

    JEBO UV Sterilizer

    I have bought the JEBO 48" 220W (4 x 55W) Power Compact lights and like them so far. They are way cheaper than comparible products. Has anyone else had success with JEBO products? They seem to cheap to be true, but hey if it works I am not complaining.
  19. howardcu

    UV Sterilizer

    After reading all I could find on the subject I think I am going to go with a UV sterilizer. The benefits of keeping the water cleaner and disease down seem greater than the drawback of possibly killing food organisms. Plus I feed my organisms anyway and am planning on growing algae and...
  20. howardcu

    UV Sterilizer

    Whether or not it is good or bad for a reef tank is still under much debate. I am considering getting a UV sterilizer myself and after searching this site for information about them have still come to no conclucion. Some people swear by them and others swear against them. I think for fish...