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  1. defntleymaybe79


    In my tank, I have oceanic arogonite (sp?) gravel. I'd like to put in live sand...i have plenty of LR so i'd like to add LS to bring a nicer balance to the ecosystem. Should i just put the live sand over the gravel i have in there now...or remove the gravel and implement the live sand? Cheers
  2. defntleymaybe79

    Translation on specs...

    i expect my ammonia to be high because i believe my tank isn't completed cycling. Its been running for 3 weeks. Its stocked with 12 lb of LR and argonite (sp?) gravel... 4 shaving brush plants and .....a couple of critters :-/ Thanks for the help. Any suggestion about lowering ammonia and...
  3. defntleymaybe79

    Translation on specs...

    I just ran a series of water quality tests...could someone give me an idea as to where my tank is and if its or is not in good shape..cheers Specs: Salinity 1.024 ppt (i know thats good) Temp: 78 degrees (i know thats good) Ammonia: 1.0 ppm Alkalinity : Low-> Normal Ph- 8.2 Nitrate: 10 ppm...
  4. defntleymaybe79

    Ammonia gone amok

    thanks for the info...the site was great. Cheers
  5. defntleymaybe79

    Friend for Clownfish?

    my percs never leave each others get another perc...they love company
  6. defntleymaybe79

    Ammonia gone amok

    thanks for the info. I do have inhabitants in the tank. I was told to just let it run for a week or so and that i did. Then i added animals..... like i said, i thought i had done the homework but apparently not well enough (ironically). So i do have 2 fish a crab, shrimp and anemone.....any...
  7. defntleymaybe79

    Ammonia gone amok

    I did 2 ammonia tests today and still my levels are toxic according to the testing kit. I did a water change the other day and "Vaccumed" my sand substrate. I ran one test in the morning and when i got the reading, i added the recommended 5ml/10gallon of "ammolock" and when i came home today i...
  8. defntleymaybe79

    ro/di ???

    now is this thing constantly hooked up to a running water supply or only when i do water changes...and if so..should i bottle the stuff in jugs to save me time? I'm talking poland spring office water jugs.
  9. defntleymaybe79

    Stupid newb question

    yes i have 2 percula clowns in addition to a CBS, anemone and sally L-foot. I try to keep my ammonia levels in check with ammonia testing and adding stuff to neutralize it. How long does it take to cycle for a 10 gallon...i'm 3 weeks into running my tank right now.
  10. defntleymaybe79

    Stupid newb question

    What exactly are nitrates....i don't know much about the stuff your all talking about and suprisingly enough, my tank hasn't died of .....yet (fingers crossed)
  11. defntleymaybe79

    Am I ready?

    i wish i knew about all this cycling stuff before i i worry about the states of my tank...3 weeks and going pretty good so far hmm.....
  12. defntleymaybe79

    How do you keep the sand off....

    i guess sand on your LR is not a good thing....explain why please.
  13. defntleymaybe79

    ro/di ???

    now, does it recycle the water already in the tank..i understand that it filters and what not, but how does the whole apparatus works?
  14. defntleymaybe79

    Green mold/alge on sand

    is a powerhead necessary for a 10 gallon? I just figured i'd ask since we are on the topic here.
  15. defntleymaybe79

    ro/di ???

    What exactly do these things do?
  16. defntleymaybe79

    How to begin saltwater tank for fish

    i'm fairly new too...only 3 weeks into this hobby. I have a friend who works at this site so he helps me, but when i can't get him...i just search the net and read the posts here and i've done pretty well so far.
  17. defntleymaybe79

    Percula Clownfish - Small Tank

    well...i had a 5 gallon where i had live rock 2 percula, 2 anemones , 1 crab and 1 fish..thats when i started out... I had them in there about a week or so and they did pretty well. I soon decided to get a larger tank cos i felt they needed more. I'd say....a 5 gallon should suffice for 2...
  18. defntleymaybe79

    Does anyone have a white long tentacle anemone

    Any one have a white long tentacle anemone....I asking for a friend but i imagine thats a real vague name for a common name for a species.... If so, my friend is having a hard time attaching it a rock attaching anemone or a sand burying anemone? What are its behaviors...whats typical or...
  19. defntleymaybe79

    shaving brush

    No, you don't need your lights on all the time....are the lights on all the time in the wild? I don't keep them on all the time...just keep them out of currents way and they'll be fine. I had one that got decimated cos it was in the way of a weird current that came down the side of my tank.
  20. defntleymaybe79

    How to begin saltwater tank for fish

    yeah...local LFS....cmon, they tried to put my live rock in a regular plastic bag w/o far as i know, marine life macro or micro needs water (unless they are endosporic which i don't know if they are or not)