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  1. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    and you would jail yourself for having fish in a tank too huh? is this a bunch of 10 year olds on this board or what.. time to move on.. many people ON THIS BOARD have guppies in their saltwater tank. enjoy the board, im done with it.. too much negativity, not enough help...
  2. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    i asked a simple question and am still typing since it has not been answered..just argued against. guess i will do my own experiment and probably kill these fish, instead of someone actually HELPING someone with a question.. thanks
  3. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    many many many people still have the fish they cycled with, why is everyone so negative about this? You can buy a fish from a store, bring it home and it might just die, just because.. does that mean we shouldnt buy any fish because eventually having it in our tank is going to kill it? Should we...
  4. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    they dont get into drip acclimation of tropical fish (the brackish type) such as guppies or mollies to make them able to use in your salt water tank
  5. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    they dont get into that sort of acclimation, obviously u cant read or havent clicked on it yourself!
  6. ecoman

    Ive Been Using Tap Water For Six Months And............

    of course it will help some.. will remove solid debris but read the specs on brita as i do not believe it will even touch a dissolved metal particle.
  7. ecoman

    RO question

    nothing can remove contaminants like a reverse osmosis membrane... it might remove trace amounts, but the membrane is needed to stop dissolved metals and such.
  8. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    i dont want to kill them, i have read many success stories where after the cycle they are happy as can be and live for years in your salt water tank... I dont want to start cycle with dead.. I know its controversial, and this is the route i am taking.. just want to make sure to acclimate them...
  9. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    yes i have read about many people acclimating the guppies to salt water and they turn out just fine and live a long time, until they get ate.
  10. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    oh yea, and i only have a 1 gallon bucket to acclimate with.. how steady should the drip be? its about 2 drips per sec. now..
  11. ecoman

    going to cycle with guppies

    ok, i have read all the controversy, and am deciding to go with guppies for the cycle since they are non aggressive and easy for the fish i add to eat. Is there a particluar guppie that should be used? Male? Female? Both? Use the fancy ones?
  12. ecoman

    Ive Been Using Tap Water For Six Months And............

    i would go with a low gallon per day unit, unless u plan to sell it or shower in it!
  13. ecoman

    RO question

    not much other then a reverse osmosis membrane will remove 99% of contaminants..
  14. ecoman

    Something is pooping in my new tank.

    it was me!
  15. ecoman

    Did I mess up?

    i made the same mistake and quickly swiched over to sand.. im gonna try my hand in making some rocks using the crushed coral sustrate i removed....
  16. ecoman

    Newbie wanting to go SW

    the reasoning for the live rock is for more room for things to grow and help with the biological filtration of your tank, easing the maintanence.. From what I have read, the "live" sand is not live when you get it, although it probably is when they bag it. The info I read on it, is basically...
  17. ecoman

    Ive Been Using Tap Water For Six Months And............

    Yes, if you have well water, do not fertilize your lawn! someday it will get down there. ro is the way to go, removes pesticides, chemicals, dissolved metals, and other tiny micro-organisms that can help lead to bad algae growth (i did a little reading into ro myself). In any case, I wouldnt...
  18. ecoman

    About a sump...

    I am looking to get myself a sump setup. How exactly do they work, and would I be able to use my magnum 350 convertible canister filter as the drive force for the water? :happyfish I have a 75 gallon tank, magnum 350 does 350gph.. is that sufficient enough to force the water thru it enough?
  19. ecoman

    GOOD NEWS.....right?

    ammo- chips are known for removing ammonia, but i am not too sure how well they work for saltwater.. anyone know if it works the same?
  20. ecoman

    what to look for in refractometer..

    lol how come some of em have lights? like the more expensive ones..