Search results

  1. nickfish

    180 Stocking

    How does a 180(72X24X24) sound for 1. Volitan Lion 2. Snowflake Eel 3. California Ray 4. Panther Grouper
  2. nickfish

    California rays

  3. nickfish

    California rays

    Can i keep a california ray in a 125? I've heard there disc gets about 10" in diameter.
  4. nickfish

    Best Skimmer for $125

    You can probably find a Turbofloater 1000 for that cheap
  5. nickfish

    Suggestions on fish for an aggressive 55gal

    yes but it depends what kind of tang
  6. nickfish

    Suggestions on fish for an aggressive 55gal

    You could probably do a bluehead wrasse. I had one and I loved it until it jumped out bluehead wrasses have tons of personality and you can really fall in love with them
  7. nickfish

    240 Stocking

    Well, I have everything but the grouper and the angel right now and ive had the huma over 8 months. I figured my trigger would have gone crazy by now. And besides I bought triggers that were proven not to nip at lions. Besides all my free time goes into minitering my aquariums and I have a...
  8. nickfish

    240 Stocking

    How does 240 sound for 1. V. lion 2. Princess Parrot 3. SFE 4. Yellow Tang 5. Pinktail trigger 6. Huma Trigger 7. Queen Angel 8. Panther Grouper
  9. nickfish

    will my volitan lion attack

    If it arches its back at you, its pretty P/O. Lions will generally get along with anything too big to eat.
  10. nickfish

    Princess Parrotfish

    Well, I got the Parrot. Polly is sooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty. I will have pics once i can find my camera. Polly Want A Crack A Rock?
  11. nickfish

    Princess Parrotfish

  12. nickfish

    Princess Parrotfish

    Can someone give me some info on this fish? I saw one in a shop and i put it on hold cause i had to go somewhere and the shop was closed when I left that place. I saw it was eating and was free of disese. Will it get along in a 125 with 1.V. Lion 2.Picasso Trigger 3.Pinktail Trigger 4.Yellow...
  13. nickfish


    If you want a wrasse that is not too fiesty and simalar to the lunare try the bluehead wrasse. My experiecne is that they love to jump(how i lost mine)so make sure you have a tightly sealed canopy to prevent escape. I would reccomend this wrasse if you want a reef safe one. Full of charactor and...
  14. nickfish

    Shark Pond

    I am maybe thinking about a shark pond in the next couple months. How big of a tank is needed for 1. Bamboo Shark 2. Epulette(Sp?)Shark 3. Ray Of some Kind I would prefer dimentions instead of size in gallons.
  15. nickfish


    Try ----. I got mine new for only $30 with the pump. I got a jebo 18 watt and it cleared my opaque green tank in about 3 days and have not lost a fish ever since.
  16. nickfish

    zebra moray

    I had that problem when I got my SFE. What you should try is 1. Separate the Eel by putting in a tank divider so its by itself 2. Put a piece of shrimp next to the eel. 3. Turn the Lights off 4. Check back in about an hour to see if it has eaten the shrimp. 5. Try training it with a feeder...
  17. nickfish

    How big of a tank do I need...

    What if i ditch the zebra moray?
  18. nickfish

    what can i have with a green moray eel

    Lets just say the price of Hawaiins are not too cool. I agree, green morays need a 1000+ tank. I have seen those monsters when diving. The head itself is about 1 foot. Greens can take a hand, and are not afraid to do it. I have heard greens are a little difficult to take care of to.
  19. nickfish

    55 gallon stocking

    Originally posted by nickfish Mine was around 6 inches and it looked comfortable for my 55. The bluehead was 6 inches I mean. I have never kept a lunare.
  20. nickfish

    55 gallon stocking

    A sixline will be eaten by the eel. My bluehead wrasse was one of my favorites. I miss it so mutch. I dont agree with saying blueheads are territorial. I had mine for around 4 months and it was the second fish added. Never bothered anything. Another thing about lunares is that they are mean as...