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  1. krypton74

    white stingy stuff floating alone in tank?? help!

    I have attached a picture of this white string stuff floating in our tank. we cannot for the life of us figure out what it is. i am wondering if it is some kind of spore or something from our new feather dusters? this is beyond me! we did get a a gramma, tiger goby, 2 shrimp and 3 feather...
  2. krypton74

    What do y'all name your fish?

    we just named our anemone Lilly. I don't know why, but i think she is a girl....
  3. krypton74

    teeny tiny white worms on glass of tank??

    after doing some more research after posting (i know - i should have done more BEFORE posting), i went and looked real real close at those buggers!! they are spiral like someone mentioned on another thread and they are actual tube worms!! yes - they have the teeniest little wavy worms poking...
  4. krypton74

    custom canopy and lighting update

    hi everybody! a few weeks ago i posted the question "can there be too much light?" and we got on a few others subjects as well, but i wanted to post with our decision as to what we went with in regards to our new lighting. we went with which i would recommend in a heartbeat...
  5. krypton74

    teeny tiny white worms on glass of tank??

    We have some kind of small white worms on the sides of the tank. any ideas as to what they might be? we have two clowns, one anemone and a few fan worms. we haven't introduced anything new for about 6 weeks now - except live rock about 4 weeks ago. i am wondering if they came in on that...
  6. krypton74

    Ammonia levels just won't go down

    I actually tried another test kit and we were at ideal!! all this time, i have been doing frantic water changes once a week and worrying... we also did go to the LFS and they said we are good to go as well... good advice! thanks...
  7. krypton74

    are clown gobies hard to keep alive? and a goby question...

    the guy at the LFS told me that and i thought i should do some research on it. also, on another thread on gobies it says that you shouldn't have more than one of a certain species. we have a reef tank and were thinking of stocking it with a few types of gobies, but don't want any of them...
  8. krypton74

    What do y'all name your fish?

    I love them all!! I sure hope its not bad luck to name them because mine are named already! there are some pretty creative names out there and some funny ones too. sting ray - any reason you named your arrow "widow maker"? we had one and it poked its leg through our yellow tangs eye and then...
  9. krypton74

    What do y'all name your fish?

    We just got two new clowns last night (fish... that is... not the two kids who live in my house...:D ) and we are going back on forth on their names, but I think we settled on: Emmit Naval we like to be creative or funny. a few years back we had a tomato clown and called him V-8! Share!!!
  10. krypton74

    Can light actually be too strong??

    I called and they were super helpful and took about 15 minutes to give me advice even when i wasn't ready to purchase yet. What we settled on is my husband is going to build me a custom canopy for the tank. we are getting some jumpy gobies, so topless isn't an option (on...
  11. krypton74

    Can light actually be too strong??

    thanks everyone for the replies. this will give me some great starting places. I will post my final decision soon! yikes - to the drawing board my friends.... i also need to add that your tank looks awesome and the hanging MH fixture doesn't look a bit silly. it looks normal and great...
  12. krypton74

    Can light actually be too strong??

    the tank is 22" deep. AHHH - i just am not sure what kind of lights to get. i am reading on SWF that most people run a combo of VHO along with the MH for a color balance. The top of my tank is so small i am not sure how i would accomplish that - not to mention MH lights sticking out all over...
  13. krypton74

    Can light actually be too strong??

    I have a 35 Hex and want to convert it to a reef set up. I am looking at a MH light and it is 250W. I know i need more watts because my tank is deeper, but i certainly don't want any inverts on the top of the tank to be harmed. it is the kind of light that sits on the top of the tank. i can...
  14. krypton74

    PC vs VHO

    I notice you have a humongous reef tank! do you use the VHO for it? I am in the process of purchasing new lighting for a new tank and was going back and forth between all types of lighting. i want to keep inverts and some select corals and want to do right in the beginning. what do you think?
  15. krypton74

    not sure where to start with lighting needed for inverts

    What's a 50/50 light? The prices are great on that site. thanks for the reference. I am checking it out now.... I would like to understand lights a bit better so if anyone knows of an online article or a great book chapter that will help me out, let me know.... I would appreciate it.
  16. krypton74

    not sure where to start with lighting needed for inverts

    Hi everybody - again.... we have a 35 hex with a 17" bulb (that is about all i know) well the watts are 19W!! which is nothing, really... i would love to start stocking inverts and a few corals, but i am not sure where to start with lighting. i have done some research as to the types VHO, PC...
  17. krypton74

    Ammonia levels just won't go down

    found 'em - will try them! thanks...
  18. krypton74

    Ammonia levels just won't go down

    where can i read up on a poly filter? AND thanks for the quick reply - and good idea about the LFS and testing....
  19. krypton74

    Ammonia levels just won't go down

    HI all! we have a 35 hex, in its 3rd month of cycle. currently, we have 4 hermits, and arrow crab and an anemone. all our readings are great now, nitrates at 20 or 25, nitrites at 0 (yahoo!), ph 7.8 or 8.0, but our ammonia reading just won't drop below the stress level if i am reading the...
  20. krypton74

    Another fish with ich.

    Hi! I am definitely no expert when it comes to tanks, but i do know that if you have inverts in your tank copper will be deadly. the idea of hypo treatments is that they are less stressful on the fish and you can treat them in isolation. if you do this, you need to leave your big tank fishless...