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  1. 805puffer

    Best lighting for Sump???

    hi, i have an 80 gallon sump with calurpa in it and i wanted to know what the best light would be, so the calurpa grows real thick. thanks
  2. 805puffer

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    Hey SubVillian, how did you get your calurpa or whatever plant you have in your refuge to grow so good?
  3. 805puffer

    Easiest Anemone?

    ok, do you have any other suggestions on how to get nitrates down ecxcept for water changes? i have been doing 20g water changes a week on a 110 gallon tank and they still haven't gone down. i rinse my filter pads once a week too. thanks
  4. 805puffer

    Easiest Anemone?

    ph 8.2 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 30-40, i'm doing 20g wate changes a week and still won't go down. i have metal halides & actinics the tank has been set up for about 2 years with me and a guy i bought it from had it for about 8 years, so it has been setup for a while. i guess ill try a cheap$...
  5. 805puffer

    Easiest Anemone?

    aptasia, ok sounds great. ya right i don't like those, they try to take over. thanks for the reply though. hahah
  6. 805puffer

    Easiest Anemone?

    hi, i was wanting to know if there was an easy anemone to keep out there. my nitrates are at 30 and i am in the process of doing water changes and stuff like that to get them down, but is there any anemone that can handle some nitrates? Thanks
  7. 805puffer

    Plate Coral Babies Lots of them

    hey kjord97, what kind of sand is in that tank. is it just purple becasue of the lights or is it that how it is. thanks
  8. 805puffer

    Plate Coral Babies Lots of them

    Thats preetty cool. BTW what kind of sand do you have in there, i like how it looks purple.
  9. 805puffer

    Type of Skimmer?

    im looking for one that goes in the sump.
  10. 805puffer

    Type of Skimmer?

    Hi, i wanted to know what would be the best protein skimmer for a 110 gallon. Price range no more than $200. thank you
  11. 805puffer

    Thinking about Octo

    you can put astroturph on the inside of the lid, thats what i did with mine and he didn't get out. they are verly cool though.
  12. 805puffer


    what about montipora capricornis?
  13. 805puffer


    ok so some are more hardeier than others and some aren't. thanks for the replys.
  14. 805puffer


    are montipora hard to keep, i'm just doing reasearch on them becasue i'm trying to get my nitrates down before i buy one, but are they one of the harder corals to keep. i have metal halides. thanks
  15. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    ok, in my sump i have about an inch of this green powder stuff(i think it is detritus) my question is there any thing i can put in there to clean it? Do you think this could be raising my nitrates? i would siphon it out, but its the same level, so it doesn't really siphon. thanks
  16. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    i am on well water, so do you suggest i should use it when im adding new water to my tank or no. thanks
  17. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    maxalmon - i am not using a canister filter, i just have an 80g sump with calurpa and purigen. do you think that i should add carbon along with the purigen? ophiura - i don't know how many pounds of live rock i have becasue i bought the tank used and he didn't tell me when i bought it, i do have...
  18. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    do you think i should just get rid of the pads? or just clean them more
  19. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    i rinse them out once a month sorry, but i don't really know what harvesting is, so i never harvest it. ill pick a better quality test kit up to see if there is any difference
  20. 805puffer

    anyone ever use "Prime"

    ok how big of a water change do you think i should start with and how often? the water just goes through foam pads, then purigen, then i goes to my calurpa, then skimmer, and back up to the tank.thanks